Which of the following Mesoamerican civilizations created a sophisticated writing system using hieroglyphs
Which of the following lived in the Southwest, in present-day New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado
the Anasazi
Groups of Anasazi formed a large community at ________, where they built a remarkable series of cliff dwellings
Mesa Verde
The Aztec practiced human sacrifice in order to
delay the final destruction of the world
Since the Inca lacked a writing system, they
kept records by using a system of knotted string called the quipu
What was the language taught to the ppl conquered by the Inca
The Aztec initially accepted the Spanish because
they believed that the representatives of Quetzacoatl ahd returned
The Hopewell ppl are especially known for
the earth mounds they built
The Plains Indians used the buffalo for
food, clothing, tools, and shelter
Machu Picchu was
a city built by the Inca, and serves as the finest example of Inca architecture
What kind of forced labor did most of the Inca residents perfom
building service
Because they lived in a treeless region, the Inuits built their winter homes of
packed snow
The Investitutre Controversy was
a dispute between Henry IV and Gregory VII over who could decide the appointment of bishops
Merchants and artisans living in walled cities came to be called
burghers or bourgeoisie
Lay investiture was a practice by which
secular rules both chose nominees to church officers and gave them the symbols of their office
The Inquisition was
the court created by the Catholic Church to find and try heretics
The Black Death killed nearly 38 million ppl, resulting in
labor shortages and a decline in trade
The Black Death was spread by _______ infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacterium
What was the result of the Concordat of Worms
a compromise was reached in the Lay Investiture Controversy
Why did Isabella and Ferdinand expel Jews and Muslims from Spain
for religious unity
The boom in population growth in Europe between 1000 and 1300 happened because of all of the following EXCEPT
the Crusades
A heretic was someone who
denied basic Church doctrine
A new innovation of Gothic architecture that allowed for taller buildings was
flying buttresses
This Jewish teacher traveled and preached in Judea and Galilee
Diocletian and Constantine's social and economic policies were based in
control and coercion
Which of the following is a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote
The Roman Senate, which came to hold an important position in the Roman Republic, was
a select group of about 300 patricians who served for life
Julius Caesar, the first dictator of Rome, was
Which of the following was a period of peace and prosperity that lasted almost 200 years
Pax Romana
____________ became the first Christian emperor
The Edict of Milan proclaimed
official tolerance of Christianity
The body of laws known as the ________ was one of Rome's chief gifts to later generations
Law of Nations
The First Triumvirate was made up of
Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
The emperor kept the poverty-stricken masses pacified by
giving them free grain and providing entertainment on a grand scale