Acceptable use policy
Set of school rules or "computer code of conduct" students must follow in order to use school computers or other technology.
In education, describes a school that has passed quality assessment, and credits earned generally qualify for graduation at traditional schools.
Distance education
A learning situation in which the teacher and student are not in the same location.
Instructional technology
The application of technology for the enhancement of teaching, learning, and assessment.
Interactive whiteboard
A multi-function presentation device that can function as a dry-erase board but also, when connected to a computer and projector, functions as a large computer screen with many capabilities for teaching and learning.
In learning, an example of similar excellent work that students can use as they complete an assignment.
Online learning
Sometimes called virtual education, a common form of distance education in which teaching and learning take place via the Internet.
The use of someone else's original words or ideas without giving that person credit.
Web Quest
An inquiry-based learning project utilizing information from pre-selected websites.
True or false The classroom use of technology should be reserved for use with middle and high school students.
True or false Teacher education programs should make certain that new teachers feel prepared to use instructional technology.
True or false Most schools today have adequate technology for teachers to use in their classrooms.
True or false A disadvantage to distance education is accessibility.
True or false If a virtual school is online, it is accredited.
True or false One of the greatest advantages of distance learning is that it makes education accessible to those who may not otherwise be able to attend regular courses.
True or false Technology can aid teachers in planning lessons and can allow teachers to share ideas with colleagues within and outside their school.
True or false The use of technology requires little or no effort on the part of the teacher.
True or false The use of an interactive whiteboard can greatly expand the use of a single computer in the classroom.
True or false An acceptable use policy allows students unrestricted use of the computer or other technology in the classroom.
True or false Information on the Internet is to be considered factual or it would not be on the Internet.
Technology _____. A. should be utilized by every teacher and every subject area B. can be overused by both teachers and students C. is best utilized by students for assignments outside of the classroom D. will soon replace teachers in the classroom
B. can be overused by both teachers and students
Distance education _____. A. is gaining in popularity B. is for college coursework only C. does not allow students to interact with teachers in real time D. does not allow students to interact with classmates
A. is gaining in popularity
The types of assistive technology include _____. A. modified keyboards or trackballs and joysticks B. text to speech software C. handheld magnifiers D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
For most teachers, technology is a tool that _____. A. is difficult to learn and use in the classroom B. slows down the process of writing lesson plans C. allows them to have discussions with colleagues worldwide D. has caused too many changes in the way lessons are taught
C. allows them to have discussions with colleagues worldwide
Simulated experiences using the computer _____. A. are not as effective as the "real" thing B. will soon replace hands-on experiences C. offer the opportunity to bring realism into the classroom D. are limited to certain subject areas
C. offer the opportunity to bring realism into the classroom
Using online resources for research activities _____. A. does not need to be taught to students before giving an assignment B. must be controlled with careful monitoring by the teacher C. excludes the use of print resources D. A and C only.
B. must be controlled with careful monitoring by the teacher
Computer games and simulations _____. A. do little to reinforce student learning B. offer a virtual representation of situations C. are not appropriate for classroom use D. are best used by individuals rather than groups
B. offer a virtual representation of situations
What do the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards identify?
The standards identify specific skills teachers need in order to incorporate technology into their teaching and model appropriate use of technology for work and professional growth.
What factors must be considered by a teacher before using technology in the classroom? Why is it important to consider these factors well ahead of time?
The goals of the lesson, procedures students must follow, the time allotted to the activity, the evidence the students must provide and how it will be evaluated. Considering these factors ahead of time will ensure the success of the activity