Academic Honesty
Completing and turning in only ones own work under ones own name.

A word formed from the first letter of each word in a series
Active Listening
The voluntary act of focusing on what is being said, making sense of it, and thinking about it in ways that permits it to be recalled accurately
A comparison between concepts or objects that are alike in some respects, but dissimilar in most others
Blended or hybrid courses
Classes are a combination of traditional face-to-face classroom interaction and a significant amount of online learning.
A web-based public diary in which a writer provides commentary, ideas, thoughts, and short essays.
A program that provides a way of naviagting around the information on the web
A formal plan that accounts for expenditures and income
Call number
A unique classifation number assigned to every book or resource in a library. Call numbers are used for ease of location
Career Portfolio
A dynamic record that documents your skills, capabilities, achievements, and goals, as well as provides a place to keep notes, ideas, and research findings related to careers.
The effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress
Hurried,last minute studying
Cultural competence
Knowledge and understanding about other races, ethnic groups, cultures, and minority groups.
The learned behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that are characteristic of an individual society or population, and the products that people create.
Daily to-do list
a schedule showing the tasks, activities, and appointments due to occur during the day.
Decision making
The process of deciding among various alternatives.
Educated Guessing
The practice of eliminating obviously false multiple-choice answers and selecting the most likely answer from the remaining choices.
Flash cards
Index cards that contain KEY pieces of information to be remembered.
The involuntary act of sensing sound
Formal techniques used to make material more readily remembered
Studying and rehersing material past the point of initial mastery to the point at which recall becomes automatic
The process of practicing and learning material
A memory technique by which images are formed to help recall material.
A sentence in which the first letters of the words correspond to material that is to be remembered.
Advance Organizers
Outlines, overviews, objectives and other clues to the meaning and organizeation of new material in what you are reading, which pave the way for subsequent learning
Attention Span
The lenghth of time that attention is typically sustained
The preface, introduction, and table of contents of a book.
Learning Disabilities
Difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities.