Yang Jian
Ambitious ruler of northern china; brought all of china under centralized imperial rule once again in the late 6th c.
Sui dynasty
(589-618 C.E). Like the ruler of the Qin dynasty, the emperors placed enormous demands on their subjects in the course of building (restoring) a STRONG CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT. Huge work projects, extremely harsh corvee' makes them unpopular legalists, emergence of Buddhism refocused dynasty, brought about cultural rebirth in east Asia , socialism, improved Great Wall, -Fall:tyrannical government, harsh burden of taxes, overstrained completion if grand canal,
Grand Canal
Project undertaken during the SUI DYNASTY. One of the worlds largest waterworks projects before modern times. Used to facilitate trade between the north and south. Artificial waterways. Supplied an economic foundation for political and cultural unity.
Tang Dynasty
(618-907 C.E.). Organized china into a powerful, productive, and prosperous society, like the Han, Second Golden Age, very successful, end due to land distribution issues (like the Han), uses armies to unite china, extends borders to Afghanistan, largest empire in Chinese history, use of Turks army, Great Wall repaired, rebuilding the bureaucracy, Confucianism ideology revised, unity, " strengthening the trunk, weakening the branches" , equal field system expanded, meritocracy, examination system ( parallel to renaissance- revival do classical origins)
Tang Taizong
Tang dynasty's 2nd emperor. (Reigned 627-649 C.E.). Ambitious and ruthless (murdered 2 of his brothers and pushed his father aside). Strove to provide a stable government. Built capital at Chang'an. Saw himself as a CONFUCIAN RULER. Stability and prosperity during his rule
Equal-Field System
Purpose was to ensure an equitable distribution of land and to avoid the concentration of landed property. The system allotted land to individuals and their families according to the lands fertility and the recipients needs. 1/5 of land hereditary. The rapidly rising population caused problems. AN EFFORT TO COMBAT LAND DISTRIBUTION
A ritual prostration during which subordinates knelt before the emperor and touched their foreheads to the ground
Nomadic Turkish people. Tang commanders called them to oust An Lushan from the imperial capital. In return, they got to sack Chang'an and Luoyang after expulsion on the rebels (an Lushan) tang never recovered from the crisis. LED TO THE DECLINE OF THE TANG
Song Dynasty
(960-1279 C.E.) reimposed central imperial rule. Never built a very powerful state. Economically powerful, militarily NOT, "blue duck of the world" , produced most iron, political weakness, unable to defeat northern nomads, neo-conf. emerged,
Song Dynasty problems
1- financial: the enormous Song bureaucracy devoured China's surplus production. (High taxes and peasants revolted) 2- military: scholar bureaucrats generally had little military education and little talents for military affairs, yet they led Song armies in the field and made military decisions
Fast- Ripening Rice
The foundation of economic development in Tang and Song China was a surge in agricultural production. Discovered fast-ripening rice in Vietnam. Enabled cultivators to harvest 2 crops per year. Expanded supply of food
Involved he tight wrapping of a young girls feet with strips if cloth that prevented natural growth of the bones and resulted in tiny, malformed, curved feet. Impractical for lower classes to do, mostly wealthy families bound feet of daughters to enhance their attractiveness. LIKE THE PRACTICE OF VEILING WOMEN IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD.
Exported mast amounts during the Tang and Song dynasties. Very popular trade item for wealthy
Daoist alchemists discovered how to make it during the Tang Dynasty. At earliest it had little military effectiveness. Quickly spread throughout Eurasia
Only during the Tang era did printing become common. Block-printing techniques : they carved a reverse image of an entire page into a wooden block, inked the block, and then pressed a sheet of paper on top. They invented a movable type, but block printing was popular for a long time after the movable type was invented. Made it possible to produce texts quickly and cheaply and in huge quantities.
"Flying cash"
Alternatives to cash. Letters of credit became common during the early Tang Dynasty. ⭐️They enabled merchants to deposit goods or cash at one location and draw the equivalent in cash or merchandise elsewhere in Chins
Paper money
The search for alternatives in cash led to this invention. The first paper money printed appeared in 1024. Paper money was abused. It provided a POWERFUL STIMULUS TO CHINESE ECONOMY
Chan Buddhism
A syncretic religion, a Buddhism with Chinese characteristics. Xuanzang was a devout pilgrim
Thought reflected the influence of Buddhism as well as original Confucian values. Zhu Xi (1130-1200 C.E.) most important representative of Song neo-Confucianism and he was a philosopher. Important cultural development.
Silla dynasty
Tang armies conquered much of Korea before the native Silla dynasty rallied to prevent Chinese domination of he peninsula. CHINESE FORCES WITHDREW FROM KOREA AND THE SILLA KING RECOGNIZED THE TANG EMPEROR AS HIS OVERLORD to avoid conflict