Sacrifice the black lamb
What is the first thing Odysseus does when he arrives at the Land of the Dead?
-The souls of brides and young men-all battle slain and bloody
When he does this (#1), who is attracted to him? Describe them.
-Odysseus's men-he was drunk and he fell off Circe's roof
Who is Elpenor? How did he come to be in The Land of the Dead?
-to give him a funeral-son of the great Laertes, master mariner and soldier
What does Elpenor ask Odysseus to do for him? (What epithet does Elpenor use on line 33?)
-Anticlea (his mother)-she was alive when he set sail
What spirit visits Odysseus after Elpenor? Why is Odyessus shocked to see her?
-Restrain yourself in the strait-Don't touch the herds of cattle that belong to Helios
In lines 78-117, Tiresias tells Odysseus his fate. He specifically warns him of two things to beware of as he leaves the Land of the Dead.

What are they?

-home filled with trouble men eating his livestock and courting Penelope-He has to travel and make a sacrifice to Poseidon
What does Tiresias tell Odysseus to expect to find when he returns home? What must Odysseus do then?
A sealcorn death
What is Odysseus' ultimate fate (as found in lines 113-117)?
-Everybody thinks he's dead-Laetres moved to the country where he mourns Odysseus's death-Anticlea died of a broken heart
In the italicized summary, what is revealed to have happened to Laetres and Anticlea, and who tells him this?