Which stage does the following occur: Chromatin condenses into chromosome.
Which stage does the following occur: Chromosomes align in center of cell.
Which stage does the following occur: Longest part of the cell cycle.
Which stage does the following occur: Nuclear envelope breaks down.
Which stage does the following occur: Cell is cleaved into 2 new daughter cells.
telophase (cytokinesis)
Which stage does the following occur: Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles.
Which stage does the following occur: Chromatids are pulled apart.
How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis?
4 (watch video)
How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis?
4? (same number of chromosomes that they started with)
The little green T shaped things on the cell are:
What happens to the centrioles during mitosis?
move to the poles
What does interphase look like?
can not see the chromosomes
What does prophase look like?
What does metaphase look like?
What does anaphase look like?
What does telophase look like?
What does cytokinesis look like?