Founder of Buddhism
Founder of Confucianism
Founder of Islam
Founder of Judaism
Founder of Christianity
Time/Orgin of Confucianism
Zhou/Han Dynasty
Time/Orgin of Islam
Middle East in Time Period 3 (600CE-1450CE)
Time/Orgin of Judaism
Middle East (Israel) in Time Period 1 (8000BCE-600BCE)
Time/Orgin of Christianity
Middle East (Israel) in Time Period 2 (600BCE-600CE)
Time/Orgin of Hinduism
India in, possibly, Time Period 1 (google said 1500BCE)
Text/House of Worship for Buddhism
Text/House of Worship for Confucianism
Analects/ na
Text/House of Worship for Islam
Text/House of Worship fo Judaism
Text/House of Worship for Christianity
Text/House of Worship for Hinduism
Leader of Buddhism
Buddha, monks
Leader of of Confucianism
Confucius, Han
Leader of Islam
Allah, Iman
Leader of Judaism
Leader of Christianity
Priest, Pastor, Pope
Leader of Hinduism
Pandit, Swami
Deities and beliefs of Buddhism
-no gods -peace -eight fold path (right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration) -4 noble truths -Nirvana (ultimate enlightenment)
Deities and beliefs of Confucianism
-no gods -5 key relationships (ruler/subject, parent/child, husband/wife, sibling/sibling, friend/friend)
Deities and beliefs of Islam
-5 pillars (almsgiving, pray five times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan, travel to Mecca, and profession of the faith) -sharia law
Deities and beliefs of Judaism
-Adonai -Yom Kippur -10 commandments
Deities and beliefs of Christianity
-holy trinity -Christmas/Easter -Apostles Creed -10 commandments -lent
Deities and beliefs of Hinduism
-Brahma (Supreme God), Shiva, Vishnu -caste system -dharms (duty), karma (sum of good actions and bad actions), samsara (continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) -moksha (like Nirvana)