7 Continents
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania (Australia), Antarctica
Subregions of the Americas
North: Caribbean, Mexico, part of Central America Central: Latin America including regions of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean South: Andes
Subregions of Africa
North, West, Central, East, Southern, part of Middle East
Subregions of Asia
Middle East, part of Eastern Europe, Central, South, East, Southeast
Subregions of Oceania (Continent and surrounding islands)
Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia (Pacific Islands that are subregions of Oceania region), Australia, New Zealand, (Papua) New Guinea
Subregions of Europe
Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern, Eurasia
Subregions of Latin America
Caribbean Islands, Central America, South America, some of Mesoamerica