Stateless Societies
term relating to societies such as those of Sub-Saharan Africa after the Bantu migrations that featured decentralized rule through family and kinship groups instead of strongly centralized hierarchies
''the lion prince''; found of the Mali empire (1230-1255), also the inspiration for the Sundiata, an African literary and mythological work
West African kingdom found in the thirteenth century by Sundiata; it reach its peak during the reign of Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa
Sundiata's grand nephew (reigned 1312-1337); ruled during the high point of empire; made pilgrammage to Mecca in 1324-1325 and after strongly promoted Islam
Arabic term meaning "coasters" referring to those who engaged in trade along the east African coast
Swahili City States
East African city state society that dominated the coast from Mogadishu to Kilwa and was active in trade
Kingdom of Kongo
Central African state that began trading with the Portuguese around 1500; although their kings, such as King Alfonso the First, converted to Christianity, they nevertheless suffered from slave trade
Kingdom in west Africa during the 5th through thirteenth century whose rulers eventually converted to Islam; its power and wealth was based on dominating trans-Saharan trade
the dwelling of a chief/ wooden residences
The Great Zimbabwe
a magnificent stone complex near Nyanda; massive of stone towers, palaces, and public building that served as a capital of a large kingdom
Ibn Battua
Moroccan jurist who traveled thorughout much of the eastern hemisphere and wrote of his travels
black slaves from the Swahili coast
Zanj Revolt
after a series of failed revolts in about 869 a slaved named Ali bin Muhammad led a force of 15,000 to capture Basra; ended by government in 883
religious specialists: men (occasionally women) who clearly understood the networks of political, social, economic, and psychological relationships within their communities; people would consult them with their troubles
African kingdom centered in Ethiopoia that became an early and lasting center of Coptic Christianity
Kebra Negast
(The Glory of the Kings) a fictional work about kings David and Salomon's lineage which became popular among Rastafarians recently
story tellers; orally passed down history of the Bantu people