In 1774 colonists decided what was not working? (3)
* the boycotts * protests * numerous resolutions
When and where was the first Continental Congress?
* when? September 5th 1774 * where? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Were all colonies represented at the first Continental Congress?
* Georgia and Delaware weren't
How many Colonial delegates were at the first Continental Congress?
* 56
Who represented Massachusetts at the first Continental Congress? (2)
* John Adams * Samuel Adams
What were some opinions on what to do at the first Continental Congress? (2)
*John Dickinson ---- make peace *Patrick Henry ------- war was unavoidable
What did the colonial delegates decide to do at the first Continental Congress? (5)
* continue boycott of British goods * Prepare militia * Send a list of 10 resolutions to King George III * stop all exports to England * Make plans to meet for a the 2nd 0 Congressional Congress
What did the 10 resolutions to King George III declare?
* life, property, and liberty
What were the militia called?
* minute men
What was the shot heard Around the World?
What did British General Gage plan?
Who carried the news that the British were coming? (2)
* Paul revere and William Dawes
What happened the morning of April 19, 1775?
What did the British find in Concord?
* 60 minute men
What did the British do from Lexington to Boston?
What were the casualties of the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
When and where was the second Continental Congress?
What did the colonial delegates decide to do at the second Continental Congress? (3)
* called for a continental army to be formed * not to break away from England * Sent a peace offer to King George
Who lead the continental army?
What was the peace offer to King George called?
While waiting on King Georges response to the peace offer what (specifically) continued? (3)
the fighting- *Fort Ticonderoga *Siege of Boston *Bunker Hill
When was Fort Ticonderoga?
Who lead Fort Ticonderoga? (2)
Who were the colonial forces of Fort Ticonderoga?
How did Fort Ticonderoga end? (2)
When was the Siege of Boston?
Define siege
Who controlled Boston since the intolerable acts?
What did militia prevent the British form doing?
What did the militia do in Charleston?
Where and when did the Battle of Bunker Hill happen?
Why was it called Bunker Hill?
Who were the victors and what were the losses of Bunker Hill?