In general, how did Islam affect the society and culture of West Africa?
Islam encouraged literacy and the spread of Islamic learning
The most dramatic example of ancient Egyptian pyramids lay near which of the following cities?
Which of the following statements is true of ancient Egypt?
Egyptian society was patrilineal and patriarchal
The trans- Saharan trade routes were important because they...
connected West Africa to the Mediterranean
What major African city rose to prominence under the Mali empire?
Until its conquest in 1076, which country dominated trade across the Sahara?
Which of the following statements best characterizes the importance of bronze sculptures in Benin?
Bronze sculptures had political importance by realistically depicting kings
Which statements best expresses the connection of the Oyo and Fon people to the Atlantic slave trade?
What aspect(s) of African history might help explain the role Africans played in the slave trade with Europe and the U.S.?
a history of trade relationships and slave ownership with other Africans
What problem did West African farmers face in the forest?
the lack of draft animals
Who did Egyptian pharaohs often select as their wives and queens?
their sisters
The god of the Nile in ancient Egypt was known as...
Slavery in West African societies functioned as a means of assimilation. What does this imply?
The first known kingdom in western Sudan was...
Which statements best describes ancient Ghana?
By 2.4 million years ago, early humans in Africa had developed the use of...
Ancient West Africans traded initially with which of the following regions?
North Africa
Which statement best compares settlement patterns in Africa?
People settled in the savannah and rain forest rather than in the desert regions
Which of the following statements is true of West African religions?
They were usually either indigenous or Islamic
What conclusion can be drawn about the mineral wealth of Ghana, Mai, and Songhai?
All three empires had gold reserves that increased their wealth and power
Which statement is true about the practice of slavery in West Africa?
Which of the following West African oral traditions was reserved for men?
How were the earliest humans in Africa similar to modern societies today?
The earliest humans lived in hunting and gathering societies similar to modern-day hunter-gatherer societies
What agricultural grain crops did ancient Egyptians cultivate?
How did griots differ from court poets?
Griots were socially inferior to court poets
What might have happened to West Africa culture over the centuries without an oral tradition of storytelling?
Later generations would have lacked knowledge of their early history and traditions