Theodore W. Allen (1919-2005)
1. An American Writer 2. Writer of the book : Invention of the White Race 3. Believe that the White Race was invented as a ruling class social control formation
Benjamin Quarles (1904-1996)
1. Emeritus Professor of History at Morgan State University in Baltimore 2. Author of the books: Fredrick Douglass, The New Negro in the American Revolution , Black Abolitionist, The Negro in the Civil War, and The Negros in Making of America
"Bride Price"
1. Marriages arranged between the families , with some form of payment such as "livestock" which would go to the parents. 2. It was a mean of recompensing the bride's parents for their loss
Askia Mohammed I
1. Ruler of Songhay 2. Was on the throne from 1493-1528
Gustavus Vassa the African 1791
1. The Author of " I Saw a Slave Ship" 2. The Author's alternative name is Olaudah Equiano 3. An ex slave living in the 18th centry Britian 4. "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano"
Priests (African) who interpret the will of the deity
Mansa Musa
1. Successors to Sundiata Keita 2. Ruled Mali from 1312-1337 3. He spent much of his reign encouraging his people's industry and displaying their wealth 4. His empire encompassed much of what became francophone Africa
Sundiata Keita
1. Mali first ruler 2. He leveled the formal capital of Ghana and dashed the dreams of the Soso people to overtake the Ghanaian Kingdom
Mali (a country)
1. Began as an organized kingdom in 1235 AD 2. Was a political state as power and as organized as any other of the periods
1. Successor to Mansa Musa 2. Was with Mali and were ahead of the curve in relations to the Western Europeans at the time ( Europeans had not attained anything resembling national unity)
3 Principle Western African Nations Prior to European Contact
1. Ghana 2. Mali 3. Songhai
1. First West African Country for which there are records 2. Evidence put the development of its state in the early Christian era around the 7th Century 3. Its known by its capital's name
Kumbi Saleh
Ghana's Capital
Ghana 900s
The year Muslim influence developed in Ghana
These people were farmers, gardeners, traders, and date groves growers
1. Reign over Ghana in the 11th century 2. His religious based on the belief that every object contained either good or evil spirits which had to be satisfied if the people were to prosper
Ghana 1000s
The year Ghana boasted a large army (200 thousand soldiers and carvery), and trade
Ghana 11th century
The year Ghana grew wealth through the collection of taxes and tribute
1. Established in 1040-1147 2. A Muslim group that Invaded Ghana in 1076, brought the area under their control, and reestablished Islam
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton machine
The vast majority of early arrival African to America
Came from the western coast of Africa along a 3 thousand mile stretch of land, from the west coastal bulge to the are of Portuguese Angola
Is there such thing as a "typical African or Race"? Why?
1. No 2. Ships to the Caribbean and the Americans carried the tall, dark Ashanti of the forests north of the Gold Coast to lighter - skinned short Bantu of the Congo
Is there an "lingua Africana" or "African Personality"? Why?
1. No 2. Nigeria is home to 200 languages alone. Ways of life are as varied as physical types
Basic Economy in Songhai
Varieties labor influence by geography in Songhai
1. Boat makers: live along rivers 2. Grass landers: Primarily pastoral goats, sheep and cattle.
In what country did Modern African Slave Traffic in the 15th Century began?
Prince Henry The Navigator ( 1394-1460)
1. Responsible for the early development of Portuguese exploration and maritime trade with other continents through the systematic exploration of West Africa, the Islands of the Atlantic oceans, and search for new routes 2. Receive cargo of skin, fur and 10 African Slaves as a gift from Antonio Gonslaves
Antonio Gonslaves (1441)
1.This person was sent by Prince Henry the Navigator to obtain a cargo of skins and fur. He returned with the cargo and 10 African as slaves near Cape Bojador , Africa for the king. The king sent them to the pope as a gift 2. The beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade (what year)
England and France
The first to supplant Portugal
In the 17th century, Dutch, Dane, Swedes, and German also supplanted Portugal. Which of these was the most successful in Africa from this group?
The English
Who prevailed in the slave carrying trade in the 18th century?
Dr. Samuel Sewell
1. A Boston printer 2. Wrote the first North American anti-slavery tract, " The Selling of Joseph"
"The Selling of Joseph"
" It is most certain that all Me, as they are the Sons of Adam are and have equal rights unto Liberty, and all other outward Comforts of Life"
Crispus Attucks
1. Believed to have been a runaway slave living in Boston 2. Was killed by British soldiers in the Boston Massacre 3. His Monument is one of the first causalities of the Revolution , stands in the Boston Common
The Boston Massacre
1. A group of British soldiers fired on a rowdy crowd protesting the taxation of the American Colonies 2. The event precipitate the American Revolution
Anthony Benezet
1. A Quaker who was the key figure in the operation of a school for slaves founded in Philadelphia in 1770 2. Founder of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society (the World's first) 1775 3. A Close friend and Co worker John Woolman (reformed Quaker)
Benjamin Franklin
The president of the world first Pennsylvania Abolition Society in 1778
partus sequitur ventrum
The state of Virginal incorporated this principle "That children born to slave mothers would be slaves without regards to the father's status?
The "enfranchised" theory
This theory was based on "If slaves was converted to Christianity and have been baptized, the Negros were free."
indentured servants
the first 20 Negros to arrived in Jamestown Virginia off a Dutch cargo in 1619 were called_____
Indentured servants (defined)
Negros who were not slaves, but who had bound themselves to work for masters for a specified length of time in return for paying the cost of their transportation across the Atlantic
Difference between an Indentured servant vs a slave
slaves: service was for life, expenses never incurred, and it was cheaper to feed and cloth them. Slaves were never white indentured servant: could be black or white (masters never tried to make the white servants serve for life), only work for a period of time, and at the end of servant's period, the master had to give him "freedom dues" ( clothing, a small sum of money , or an plot of land)
A Slave's Perspective
" I now saw myself deprived of all chances of returning to my native country or even the least glimpse of hope of gaining the shore, which I now considered as friendly; and I even wished for my former slavery in preference to my present situation, which was filled with horrors of every kind, still heightened by my ignorance of what I was to undergo" Olaudah Equiano " The interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equaiano"
William Penn
1. An English real estate entrepreneur, and a Quaker 2. Received the land grants that eventually became Pennsylvania and Delaware 3. Found Negros already located in the region and had recognized slavery as a matter 4. One of the 3 founders of the 1693 "First antislavery tract in British America"
John Punch
1. A Negro 2. One of the 3 servants caught in the act of running away 3. The 2 White servants had 4 additional years added to their indenture, while the negro was assigned to serve his master for the rest of his natural life. 4. First man documented as a slave in the Virginia Colony
1640 Hallmark of perpetual servitude
By what year Negro servant which ran afoul of the law could be expected to serve his master indefinitely?
Anthony Johnson
The name of the Negro and former servant became landowner in Northampton Country claimed that John Casor owed him service for life
John Casor
1.The first African Descent in Britain's 13 colonies to be declared as a slave for life as the result of a civil suit in Virginia. This made him the first free black to be enslaved 2. He contested the charges , because he already put in 15 years with Johnson 3. He was free black man, but was forced to work with Johnson
Harriet Tubman
1. Born in Dorchester County, Maryland 2. A runaway slave 3. Went into slaves states 19 times and conducted more than 300 Negros to the North or to Canada 4. Part of the Underground Railroad 5. Served in the Civil War as a spy, scout, and nurse without being captured
Henry Brown
1. A slave in Richmond, Virginia 2. Ordered a specially designed and equipped box to be built in which he could be shipped to freedom (the box was 3 feet long and 2 feet wide, contained food and water) 3. The box was marked that the slave would be traveling with his head up 4. The box reached Philadelphia via Adams Express after 26 hours from departure.
Cotton Mather
1.. A Puritan from New England (around 1755) 2. Concerned with spiritual welfare of slave 2. Established charity schools where Bibles study was the chief staple
George Fitzhugh
1. An Attorney From Virginia 2. Author of "Sociology for the South" and "Cannibals All" 3. Believed that Negros was the happiest when he was in subjection to other
Lord Dunmore
1. A Royal Governor of Virginia 2. Issued a proclamation in November 1775 declaring free all slaves who would join his majesty's troops. 700 slaves had succeeded in reaching his forces, and his proclamation had an indirect effect on thousands of others 3. The Governor edict created great apprehension in the south, the Continental Congress recommending to Virginia ha she resist the Governor to the hilt 4. The Governor was driven from the mainland a few weeks after the proclamation, and left Chesapeake a few month later.
The Quakers
1. Made steps for the mental improvement of the slaves, and religious instructions was thought of as a step towards physical emancipation as well as a means of spiritual salvations. 2. This group at Germantown, Pennsylvania, has spoken out against slavery, involving the Golden Rule and drafting a formal remonstrance against "Traffic of men-body."
John Woolman
1. The most Christlike individual that Quakerism has produce. 2. Traveled extensively in an effort to impress upon his fellow religionist their Christian obligation towards their slaves. 3. This Quaker made it a point to commend masters who taught their bondmen the alphabet
Jenny Slew
1. Born to a free white woman and an enslaved black man 2. This person was kidnapped and enslaved. 3. She brought charges against John Whipple of Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1766. She stated that her mother was free, so she is free. 4. The court awarded her freedom, court cost, and damages in the "sum of four pounds lawful money of this Province"
Salem Poor
1. A slave from Andover, Massachusetts, who purchased his freedom, and became a solider 2. Known for his exceptional conduct 3. Part of the Battle of Bunker Hill 4. 14 officers sent to the legislature a petition on his behalf stating " Poor behaved like an experience officer, as well as an excellent soldier." 5. He later at Valley Forge and White Plains.
Battle of Bunker Hill
1. Took place in Boston 2 months after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in April 1775 (part of the American Revolution War) 2. an British effort to prevent the provincial armies from developing a posture of strength