Slave Societies
South, entangled with every aspect of society; their economies and societies were totally based on slaves, and without that labor, the whole system would collapse
Society with Slaves
A society which contains slaves but whose economy is not dependent on them
Atlantic Plantation Complex
an unprecedented international economic system of labor management, capital, and investment. first emerged in Mediterranean (11-13c) then African coast (14-15c), then South America and the Caribbean
Middle Passage
the voyage of slave ships (slavers) across the atlantic ocean from africa to the americas.
Atlantic Slave Trade
Complex, extraordinary, and unprecedented movement of peoples and capital Over a Four Hundred year period, 1480 -1880, 12.4 million Africans were transported to the Americas.
Charter Generation
(1650-1765) They were from Africa and had either mixed African or European decent. They have both culture norms and know many languages. There was negotiations between the two cultures and had more freedom than the plantation generation,
Atlantic Creoles
the First Generation of North American Slaves
1662 VA law
stated that the status of children born in the colony would follow the status of the mother rather than the father.
Chattel Slavery
a form of slavery in which the enslaved are treated legally as property.
Rice Plantation
main focus in the coastal low country.
Maroon Colonies
escaped slaves fled to these- they were towns that were hidden away and populated completely by escaped slaves
The Code Noir
french black codes: 1685 it was passed and it had restricted the rights of free blacks, provided that planation owners had extreme powers over slaves- masters had ultimate power.
Natachez Bombara Rebellion
1729; The Native Americans plotted their attack over several days and managed to conceal their plans from most of the French; those who overheard and warned Chépart of an attack were considered untruthful and were punished. In a coordinated attack on the fort and the homesteads, the Natchez killed almost all of the Frenchmen, only sparing most of the women and African slaves. The fort and homes were burned to the ground.
(n.) the policy or practice of treating or governing people in the manner of a father dealing with his children
1741 NYC Conspiracy
March 8; fires had been set that destroyed Fort George and a week later another fire occurred. It was a biracial collaboration. Whites feared blacks with their increasing population in the city of NY.
Stono Rebellion
The most serious slave rebellion in the the colonial period which occurred in 1739 in South Carolina. 100 African Americans rose up, got weapons and killed several whites then tried to escape to S. Florida. The uprising was crushed and the participants executed.
William Lee
Personal valet of George Washington, the only slave that was freed by GW.
The Enlightenment
A philosophical movement which started in Europe in the 1700's and spread to the colonies. It emphasized reason and the scientific method. Writers of the enlightenment tended to focus on government, ethics, and science, rather than on imagination, emotions, or religion. Many members of the Enlightenment rejected traditional religious beliefs in favor of Deism, which holds that the world is run by natural laws without the direct intervention of God.
Great American Paradox
simultaneous rise of liberty and suppression of a people
Gradual Emancipation
approach to ending slavery that called for the phasing out of slavery over a period of time; many of the northern states, which abolished slavery following the American Revolution, adopted this method of ending the institution.
Manumission/Freedom Suits
The act of freeing a slave by the slave's master.
Elizabeth Freeman
An enslaved woman who sued the state of Massachusetts saying that the Declaration of Independence stated that all people are born equal. The jury agreed and she won her freedom in 1781.
Circumscribed Freedom
Marginalized; even though you are free, you are competing with whites for jobs and because of your race you would be discriminated against and receive lower wage. Social segregation, no access to voting.
Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
On November 7th, 1775 Lord Dunmore of Virginia promised freedom to any slave who fought for the British; British document providing freedom for slaves that choose to serve in the British Army.
Phillis Wheatley
First African American female writer to be published in the United States. Her book Poems on Various Subjects was published in 1773, pioneered African-American literature. One of the most well- known poets in America during her day; first African American to get a volume of poetry published.
Benjamin Banneker
African American mathematician and amateur astronomer; wrote a letter to Jefferson critisizing his proslavery views and urging the abolishment of slavery of the African American, which he compared to the enslavement of the American colonies by the British
Notes on the state of Virginia
Only book written by Thomas Jefferson to be published, which described the state of Virginia to Frenchman Francois Barbe-Marbois, the secretary of French Ligation in Philidelphia. The Notes on the State of Virginia illustrates Jefferson's conflicted views on aspects of America.
Olaudah Equiano
(1745-1797) African who was sold into slavery and bought his way out-kidnapped as a boy (age 11) from his home he was sold into slavery and sold amongst slave traders many times-he served in the Seven Years' War as a captain's boy and was then sold to a slave trader where he went to the Caribbean-from there a white colonist bought him and he eventually bought his way out of slavery-he went to England to live and published a book about slavery and his experiences-his message was widespread and helped to inspire the abolition of slavery.
Northwest Ordinance
compromise between those who supported slavery and those who didn't. it provided land to create 3-5 new states that excluded slavery.
The Constitution: Proslave and Freedom Doc
1808 Slave Trade Law
import as many slaves you want until 1807 if you pay $10 a slave. in the beginning of 1808, slave trade would be considered illegal.
Fugitive Slave Clause of 1793
An act of Congress permitting masters to recapture escaped slaves who had reached the free states and, with the authorization of local courts, return with the slave or slaves to their home state.
3/5 Clause
provided that a slave be counted as three-fifths of a free person in determining a state's representation in the House of Representatives and in the Electoral College. slaves would be counted similarly if and when Congress instituted a per capita tax.
The Chesapeake
the region of Virginia and Maryland. In contrast to New England, this region was distinguished by indentured servants, cash crops, and African slavery.
Lower Mississippi Valley
Louisiana, Florida
The North
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine.
Coastal Low Country
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Plantation Generation
1619-1700; there was a great population of white indentured servitude. blacks had more freedom to do what they wanted. slave codes did not exist
Revolutionary Generation
1770-1810; established slave population- natural reproduction. *very few slaves coming from Africa. Free black population increasing, blacks fought in American revolution. Gradual emancipation took place (north).
the process by which newly admitted Africans were broken into slavery in the Americas.
Tobacco Plantations
main focus in the chesapeake region.