Ships and Men
In this section, we are introduced to Ulysses ship and his crew. We learn that the ship is completely at mercy with the sea, which is what makes Ulysses lost for so long.
The Cicionians
In this section, Ulysses and his men attack a city, but then are counter-attacked by the city. Ulysses and his men get away because Ulysses sat on a piece of wood held by his strongest men and Ulysses shot at the enemy's horses to cripple, allowing all but eighteen men to escape.

The Lotus-Eaters
In this section, Ulysses and his men eat Lotus flowers in Libya which makes most of them fall asleep and dream of their children and wives and make it so that they never want to leave. Ulysses figures this out, and props his eyes open with wooden splinters and carries his men back to the ship and they sail away.
The Cyclops Cave
In this section, the Crew gets caught in a cave with Polyphemus. Ulysses makes Polyphemus drunk and stabs his eyeball. Then, when Polyphemus lets his goats out, Ulysses and his men hide on the goats bellies.

While Ulysses Crew sailed away, Ulysses makes the grave mistake of taunting the giant and saying his real name. This leads to Polyphemus praying to Poseidon, who was already mad at Ulysses, about Ulysses destruction.

The Keeper of the Winds
In this section, the Crew travels to the island of Aeolus. Ulysses tells him the story of the Trojan War, and Aeolus is pleased. Aeolus captured all the winds except the West and he gives the bag to Ulysses, telling him to tie it to the mast and guard it.

Unfortunately, Ulysses falls asleep and his men open the bag and they get blown back to Aeolus, who refuses to help them a second time.

In this section, the Crew lands on an island where the animals behave strangely. Ulysses divides the group, and Eurylochus and his men meet a demigoddess, who gives them food and shelter. But, that demigoddess is a wicked sorceress who turns Eurylochus's men into pigs.

Then Ulysses goes to investigate and meets Hermes, who gives him Moly. The Moly protects him aganst the d-goddess, who starts to love him. Ulyssess and his men stay for a while before leaving agains the d-goddess's wishes.

The Land of the Dead
In this section, Ulysses learns about his future.

Here are his sources:Achilles: Tells him about the Sirens.Ajax: Tells him about the prophecy of his return.Elpenor: Tells him about Syclla and Charybdis.Teiresias: Tells him about the Sun Cattle.

The Sirens
In this section, the Crew passes horrible monsters that lure men to their deaths with their beautiful voices. Ulysses avoids this by putting Beeswax in his men's ears and tying himself to the post. Ulysses, who doesnt have beeswax in his ears, is affected to the brink of madness. The crew makes it safely.
Syclla and Charybdis
In this section, the Crew passes through a narrow strait with two mosters on either side of them.

Ulysses runs the middle, out of the mosters reach. Unfortunately, the monsters are able to reach the mens oars and kill six of the men. But then, Ulysses and the rest of the men escape.

The Cattle of the Sun
In this section, the Crew lands on the Island of Thrinacia. The men are tempted by the cattle on the island, so they eat them, despite Ulysses warning. Hyperion complains to Zeus, and Zeus makes Ulysses ship become shipwrecked.

Only Ulysses lives.

In this section, Ulysses meets another d-goddess who loves him and holds him prisioner on the island. Athena pleads for mercy for him and Zeus orders Calypso to let Ulysses go.
Ino's Veil
In this section, Ulysses is sailing away from Calypso when Poseidon makes the sea boil and break Ulysses new ship. Ino, a Naiad who hates Poseidon, lends Ulysses her magic veil that protects him from the water and lets him swim to another island.

In this section, Ulysses washes up on a shore in front of a princess who takes him to the kingdom. The princess figures out who Ulysses is when she sings a song about the great heroes of the Trojan War. But then Ulysses must leave so the princess doesn't marry him.
The Return
In this section, Ulysses reaches Ithaca and disguises himself as a begger. This allows him to group with Eumaeus and Telemachus. Ulysses formulates a plan to keep the element of surprise.

Not knowing the begger is Ulysses, Penelope holds a shooting contest for her hand. No man can bend Ulysses bow, until Ulysses tries for himself. Then the suitors attack Ulysses, and they fight. Ulysses wins, then reveals himself to Penelope