Marshy area at the mouth of the river.
Egyptian ruler thought to be as a god.
Government in which the ruler considered to be a divine figure.
The resting place for Egyptian kings after death.
A Process by which bodies are preserve after death.
Ancient Egyptian writing system.
plant use to make paper like material.
Egyptian Achievements
1. Egyptians developed the 12 month calender . 2. Invented numbers for counting, adding and subtracting 3. Egyptian medicine was famous in the ancient world.
Benefit of annual floods
Leaves behind fertile black mud called silt.
"Gift of the Nile"
remarked made by Greek historian Herodotus
Did Egypt have environmental challenges?
1. If the Nile's floodwater were low, thousands of people starved. 2. If the Nile's floodwater were high, farmlands and houses will be destroyed and people will starve. 3. Isolation due to deserts on both sides of the Nile.
Why is Narmer a legendary hero in ancient Egyptain history?
The kings of upper Egypt who united Upper & Lower Egypt.
Is the capital of united Egypt ........
Egyptians could gain higher status through...
Lower and middle classes could gain higher status through marriage or success in their jobs
they invade Egypt & ruled it from 1630 to 1523 B.C.
Egyptians believed that their king ruled even after his death and he has eternal life force
How did the Nile create boundaries?
1.upper Egypt located between first Nile cataract & Nile delta. 2. Lower Egypt started from the Nile Delta to the Mediterranean.
Why did pharaohs build pyramid?
pharaohs believed they would rule the land after their death from their tombs.
How did the role of Egyptian pharaohs differ from the role of Mesopotamian rulers?
In Mesopotamian kings were considered to be representative of gods but in Egypt Kings considered were gods.
Why did the Egyptians build great pyramids for their kings?
the Egyptians believe their Kings would rule the land after death.
How did Egyptian religious beliefs compare with those of the Mesopotamian ?
both they believed in many gods but Egyptian believed in life after death
How did the Egyptian writing system compare with the Mesopotamian system.
Sumerian cuneiform writing system is early form of hieroglyphic writing system picture stand for an idea than hieroglyphic changed so that picture stood for sound as well idea.
Sun god