
Religion as a Weapon

Religion and myth are two powerful subjects that Caribbean writers have used to their advantage in many of the works we have read this semester. Many religious qualities that are…

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Ancient Religion vs Modern Religion

There are many differences between an ancient religious viewpoint of the Greeks and Romans and a modern world religion viewpoint. I feel that the most distinguishing difference and the difference…

Religion in Film

Going to the movies is what we do when we have a free evening. A video is what we rent for our children when we are going out. A few…

Defining Religion

Although most people have an idea of what they think religion means, when asked to actually put their definition into words, it proves to be much more difficult. Gary Kessler…

Religion and Marketing

Mara Einstein, in Brands of Faith, asks: “How do religion and marketing interact in the 21st Century?” (2008) She presents the ideas of the commercialization of religion and religion as…

Religion in Schools short description

Religion is a set of beliefs and practices often organized around supernatural and moral claims, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural…

Indigenous Religions

What is an ‘indigenous’ religion or belief system? When we hear the term ‘indigenous religion’, what comes to our minds? How do we react internally when those words are mentioned?…

Psychology and Religion

This deductive essay explores the relationship between and the practices involving psychology and religion in order to uphold the ethics code.There is a sensitivity level that must be exhibited by…

Nature of Religion

Belief in the supernatural dimension is central to all world religions Religion by its nature defies precise definition. However, the central commonality to all world religions is the belief in…

What Is Religion

Is religion a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny or is it a system of symbols, myths, doctrines, ethics and rituals for the expression…

Short Description about Religion in the Workplace

When looking at religion in the workplace I found that there were two different companies, faith-friendly companies and faith focused. Every company typically falls under one or the other because…

Religion and Modernity

Can it be truthfully said that organized religion is a barrier to modernity? In order to determine such an accusation, we must first try to identify how we define modernity…

Religion and discrimination

One might take the view that society should be tolerant to any religion so long as it conforms to our laws and written constitution. At first glance, this statement seems…

Religion and Politics

Religion is a part of our lives and most of the decisions people make are based on their religion. Beside all personal decisions, religion has already become one of the…

Theme about Religion in the Workplace

People around the world have a set of beliefs whether they choose to believe in Jesus Christ or not to agnostic and gnostic, everyone has a set of beliefs which…

Belief in the afterlife varies among Wiccans

1. Examine to what extent your religious beliefs fall into this pattern. Do some elements have more weight than others? If you do not have a belief system, interview someone…

The Ethical Teachings of Jesus

IT is a notable characteristic of Christianity that the ethical teachings of its Founder are inseparably connected with his religious teachings. “Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself” is not…

Quest for Historical Jesus

With respects to the challenges that are faced to Christian theology through historical critical reading of the Bible, it never answered one question who was Jesus and when did he…

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