Religion is a part of our lives and most of the decisions people make are based on their religion. Beside all personal decisions, religion has already become one of the factors for voter’s political choices.

Many countries don’t have this problem because only one religion exists in there while in major countries, especially in the United States of America citizens have different religion and political parties and their nominees might be related to different religions as well.When it comes to vote for this or another candidate, many factors influence a voter’s decision, including religion of nominee. However, in my opinion, religion should not interfere with voter’s political decisions because religion is a freedom of belief and has nothing to deal with freedom of speech and decisions. In countries like United States, Canada, Western European countries freedom of speech is fundamental, and is based on fundamental principles of our ancestors.There was a time when in mid-eval era religion was the biggest part and influence of the State.

In many countries like Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain church was the only institution that mattered the most. For hundreds of years the church believed that they were the center of universe and everyone else followed. It is said that many of Renaissance's polymaths like Da Vinci, Michelangelo were targets of the church because of their art and inventions.The Science severely suffered by the barbarism of the Crusades. In Middle East today there are too many countries that claim religion of Islam as a dominant power of the state, leaving as result too many gaps in human development. Because of the religion and rules women must obey their husband.

They must cover almost every part of their bodies. Their husband is entitled to decide for her fate, he is even entitled to kill her if she doesn't behave "properly". There is so much violence in that area because of religious leaders that are also state leaders, in this case Iran. Freedom of speech doesn't exist in those countries.There are social values that don't meet with social issues. Karl Marx says: " Man makes religion, religion doesn't make man".

Is he suppose to tell us that man created religion as a tool to use to gain power, to make money and to do many things that would benefit him? In our country, before you became citizen, you must learn 100 questions, you must know all of them.One of these questions is "What is freedom of religion?” the correct answer is: "You can practice any religion or not practice any religion" In those 100 questions there is no question that says: "Should we have a state or not?", "Should we have a government or not?" In this case we all can sleep at night without being religious or without having religious beliefs, but we cannot have a state without government. This issue should not be bases depending on our emotional status or our religious beliefs. State functions based on logic and what's good for the people.The federal government and State should be completely detached from religion. We made the religion as a tool to make laws that did not benefit human beings so far.

The laws are based on people's freedom of speech, and the right to say anything we want, something that religion bans. Do we want our leaders that we elect to make important lawful decisions based on what religion say, on cruel laws and rules of books that we falsely claim "God himself wrote"?When we go in front of those voting polls we must choose the right person for our country, the one who we think should bring us hope, who we think brings us peace, the one who we think will make right decisions based on human rights, logic, and who has love for his country.Voters shouldn't be influenced by religious beliefs when they go to those polls to vote for the right person, because they'd make the biggest mistake by choosing the wrong candidate. The right leader sees his country not through the eyes of a religious person, but through the eyes of justice and free speaker's.