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Children and Young People

301.2.1While supporting a new child in school during a numeracy lesson, the main communication skills I would use would be, active listening, as this boosts confidence. Open ended questions, as…

Homosexuality and People

Refer back to Wikipedia, homosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As an orientation, homosexuality refers to “an enduring pattern of…

When people should get married

Marriage is not just a formal union of a man and a woman that was recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. A marriage is beyond a…

People, Organisations and Leadership

1. Consider the situation of Lynda, Michael and Kyle. Explain how each employee’s situation relates to Equity Theory. 2. Explain the motivation of these three employees in terms of the…

Depression in the Elderly People

The American Accreditation HealthCare Commission defines depression as: “a medical illness characterized by persistent sadness, discouragement, and loss of self-worth. These feelings are accompanied by reduced energy and concentration, sleep…

Depression/Suicide in Older People

Depression and suicide have become very significant public health issues in older adults who use health services at higher rates and even engage in poorer health behaviors. As a result,…

Why do people get depressed

The condition that today we label depression has been described by a number of ancient writers under the classification of `melancholia`, which perfectly describes the state of depression. Shifts in…

Why are most people poor listeners

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ” —Stephen R. Covey. Its all in the mindset and what revolves around…

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from StudyTiger

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