
Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The scientific medicine paradigm of the twentieth century was so dominant that it was referred to as orthodox or conventional medicine.  While alternatives to medical doctors ranging from home remedies…

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Alcaholism & physically

Alcoholism is defined as a condition in which the individual is constantly preoccupied with the subject of alcohol, and consumes it to the level at which it affects physical health,…

In Praise of People and Culture

Many literary authors nowadays use poetry to exult their culture and express their thankfulness for their origins. In particular, Martin Espada is a poet of Hispanic origin known for promoting…

Andrew Jackson’s Legacy

As he believed that “one man with courage can make a majority”, Andrew Jackson has been described as the president who was both loved and hated because of his powerful…

Dementia is a disease which affects the brain

Dementia is a disease which affects the brain. It can affect your memory, thoughts and actions. It is progressive illnesses, which will slowly affect you more.People of any age can…

After My Personal Journey in Life

After my personal journey in life I would gladly see myself writing a piece a book narrating everything the full details of my life. How colorful it was revealing all…


The Migration was the movement of approximately seven million Africans out of the Southern United States to the North, Midwest and West from 1916 to 1930. Precise estimates of the…

African Diaspora

The significance of the fact that Africans were in Britain during the Roman Occupation, that Vice Admiral Thomas Wyndham went to Benin in 1553 and found that the King of…

Story about African American history

The history of African Americans is characterized by injustice practices during the slave trade era and the subsequent struggle for justice for the blacks and the slaves. Most of the…

African Initiated Churches or AIC

African Initiated Churches or AIC has widely flourished with a following of about thirty two million members to date. AIC’s are churches that were founded and led by Africans themselves,…

Introduction to Psycholog

Development does not end once a person reaches physical maturity, but continues throughout life. Developmental psychologists seek to describe and analyze the regularities of human development across the entire life…

Admission essay to old dominion university

The world is fast becoming a borderless place.  Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications.  In order to succeed in…

Introducing Liberation Theology

In “Introducing Liberation Theology,” by Leonardo Boff, and “God is Black,” by James Cone, the authors assert that God is “One who liberates victims from their oppression” and Christianity can…

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