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Theology 201 Short Essay #1

Often time’s people are searching for a concrete place to anchor hope; the Bible provides a comprehensive and accurate account from God. The historicity of the Bible and the amount…

How God Created the Universe

In the Old Testament various names for God are used. YHWH is the most celebrated of these; the Hebrews considered the name ineffable and, in reading, substituted the name Adonai…

Image of God Position Paper

There are three main positions that try to explain the way in which humans are created in the image of God: the substantive view, the relational view, and the functional…

Gods in the Odyssey

An analysis of divine intervention in The Odyssey reveals that survival and achievement of goals is impossible without help from the gods as they control everything that happens. Divine intervention…

How to Study the Bible and All Its Worth

God’s Word is ultimately profitable, above and beyond any other text that has ever been written or compiled, and it is the study of this divine text that has for…

The Holy Koran vs. the Holy Bible

The Koran is the paramount of Muhammad’s teachings. He is said to be the most important prophet of Allah, the Muslim’s god. While Muhammad was teaching, the Muslims, those who…

Chapter Summary: The Bible Among the Myths

Oswalt first learned about the issues in “The Bible Among the Myths” while taking a class taught by Dennis Kinlaw at Asbury Theological Seminary. His interest in the subject has…

God and Godlike Humans in the Bible and Iliad

The characterization of individuals through specific and repeated character descriptions are consistent with social norms and create binding values associated each character. In the Iliad, which can be considered the…

Old Testament Bible Dictonary

Considered a Wisdom book of the Bible, The Book of Job was written in the style of Hebrew poetic dialogue. Although the author is unknown, there are three prevailing thoughts…

The Bible Among Myths

In The Bible Among the Myths, Oswalt states, “If the historical basis on which the supposed revelation [the Bible] rested was false, then why should we give any special credence…


Required readings from the New Testament and course textbook B.Course Requirements Checklist After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1….

Bible Versus the Toran

1. HOSEA – Story of Hosea and his faithful wife, Gomer. Represents God’s Love and faithfulness and Israel’s spirtual adultery. Israel will be judged and restored. 2. JOEL – Proclaims…

Narnia as a Supposal of the Bible

The Magician’s Nephew is a Supposal of the Creation Myth in the Old Testament, but a few incongruencies exist. In the Magician’s Nephew, Aslan the Lion’s role shifts from that…

Bible God

The Old Testament ends with the prophets. These teachers provided insight on many issues facing Jews who were desperate to know God. Idolatry, social injustice and religious ritualism are three…

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from StudyTiger

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