
Sex, Drugs, and Violence on American Television

“Sex, drugs, and violence on American Television” Intro: Sex, drugs, and violence on American Television send out, more often than not, negative messages. It projects to our children that it…

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20th Century American Family Trends

The 20th century observed extraordinary changes in the structure and dynamics of American families. The remarkable shift began with the Progressive Era, which spearheaded the emerging concept of marital happiness,…

American Colonist and Boston Tea Party

Associate Level Material Appendix A Midterm Exam * Access the Week Four Electronic Reserve Readings located under the materials section of the student website. * Read this week’s Electronic Reserve…

America and Homicide

The United States has been a world leader in homicide for centuries. Indeed, “since the early 19th century … [America has been] the most homicidal country in the Western world”…

Barbie: the American Girl Does Global

Case 2 Barbie: The American Girl Does Global International marketing is the performance of a company’s product and services to consumers in more than one nation to produce profit. It…

Muslim Women in America

Muslim’s have always been faced with struggles in their lives, especially when entering into the United States. They are a popular minority group in America that is strongly discriminated against….

Immigration and How America Benefits

Millions of people immigrate to America looking for the “American Dream,” in search of a fair government and all types of various freedoms offered to people. America still has millions…

How Wal-Mart Is Finincially Hurting America

Some Americans believe that because Wal-Mart advertises “always low prices,” it is a great place to shop. Wal-Mart campaigns on its bulletin boards and on-line that the American family can…

Slavery in Colonial America

The first historically recorded slavery of black Africans in America took place in 1619 and the Dutch were behind the first slave trade. An unknown Dutch ship, its name and…

Political Handout

Former senator John Edwards advises that the energy crises can be alleviated if Americans sacrifice their usage of sports utility vehicles (SUV’s) in favor of more fuel-efficient automobiles. This advisory…

African Cultural Concepts in Black America

Have African Americans’ perception about what it truly means to be of African decent altered, or have they managed to stay connected to their African customs and traditions? In the…

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