REVIEW SHEET FOR VICTIMOLOGY FINAL Any multimedia presentations post midterm Chapter 5 Dispute resolution Retributive justice vs. restorative justice Reintegrative shaming Victim-offender mediation Circle sentencing Problems and issues with restorative justice Chapter 8 Social constructionism Dr. Kempe Four obstacles that impeded the recognition of children as victims of abuse Forms of child abuse Harm standard Endangerment standard Mandatory reporter
Process of how calls are “screened in” or “screened out” Role of doctor-client privilege in detecting/reporting child abuse Central register Surveillance bias False positive vs. false negative error Parents anonymous Megan’s Law Kansas v. Hendricks Ex post facto Chapter 9 Gerontologist Rates of victimization for the elderly Fear-crime paradox Vicarious victimization Most common form of physical abuse in institutional settings Causes of institutional abuse
Relationship between abusers and economic dependence on victims Types of abuse Chapter 10 Relationship between homicide and youthful AA males in the US Homicide victims are more likely to be? Ways to measure homicide Role of weapon involvement Nonprimary homicide Primary homicide Wolfgang Luckenbill’s situated transaction Mass media influence Regional culture of violence Golden hour Impact of medical resources Role of alcohol Death notification: stages The bereavement process Chapter 11 factors in routine activities perspective Workplace violence definition Media representations of workplace violence vs. reality Who is most at risk for workplace violence? Major causes of workplace victimization Third party lawsuits Victimization at junior and senior high schools Responses of students to real or perceived levels of school victimization Most juvenile crime happens during what times? Responses to school victimization Jeanne Clery Act Sexual harassment Quid pro quo Hostile environment