Constitution. With Just a few keystrokes, an individual can have access to all forms of pornography, bomb-making instructions, poison recipes and a plethora of extremist Ideologies expressing everything from radical religious cults to terrorist crime groups" (justice) Criminal activity has been aided by the internet by three specific activities. One example is Internet fraud which is also called internet scams. Sometimes, people will try selling you something on the Internet at prices that seem unbeatable and sometimes magical.

These websites would ask you for your credit card and personal information. Then they will steal your money and they have committed fraud. Second example is identity theft. As most people already know identity theft is the fastest growing crime of any today.

The number of new cases of Identity theft Is staggering. Some of these cases Involve the theft of huge volumes of personal Information by credit card companies. For example, "Master card had a recent case where more than 400,000 customers had their personal information stolen" (FBI).With the creation of several identity theft programs they are catching the criminals before real damage can be done. Life lock Is one such program that alerts you to any changes or usage of your personal information. The third example is internet sex crimes.

Using the internet to lure or entice a minor, to commit child pornography or to commit any other sexual offense can result in severe penalties. "Internet sex crimes against minors In particular are harshly prosecuted and a conviction will likely result In a state or federal prison sentence, sex offender registration, fines, and probation" (justice).When we think of technology and crime we think of cybercafé, hacking, blackmailing, fraud, theft and extortion. No one can deny that technology has elevated crime rates and has given birth to a variety of new crimes, but has it not done enough to solve them.

Cell phones, email, and instant messaging have 1 OFF from different countries no longer have to sit in the same conference room and plot, with the fear of any law enforcement agency locating their secret meeting place.All a criminal has to do is either talk to each other on their cell phones using conference calling and send and receive written and graphical information on the same device, or simply send an email. Crimes like drug dealing do not depend on letters, but on he use of a phone to set up meeting to sell product and receive money. Hacking is the most famous computer crime of this time. It can be done anywhere, any time. Every innocent computer can be used to hack, either into a bank, a company, and the government.

Millions can be stolen from a bank in minutes. Valuable and personal information can be accessible in seconds once their computer is hacked. New internet users or naive internet users are the main target of pushing. A criminal will create a web page that seems to be a respectable online shopping website so they can get you to buy something so they can steal your personal information.

Computer viruses do not put the user's personal information in Jeopardy, but causes a nuisance. A virus can spread like a disease.It can spread throughout the hard disk and is transferable through any storage device connected to the infected computer or any email sent from the infected computer. An antivirus program should be run on a computer daily before opening up any program.

It is not wise to disable any security programs on your computer it can open the door to a virus and be very costly to repair. We now see that though technology has evolved crime, it has also given way to ewe techniques to solve and prevent it.This is partly because law enforcement agencies across the world have developed far more expertise than ever before in tracking down the perpetrators of internet crimes. It's also partly because anti-virus researchers have now had many years practice in dealing with large-scale epidemics. Fast response to new threats, in the form of virus definitions, is Just the visible tip of the iceberg here.

"Anti-virus research teams worldwide have developed 'early warning antennae' giving them early visibility into malicious activity on the internet.