In Implementing the strategies to empower CIT In supporting the teaching and learning process in the classroom. CIT Is not Just the bloom of the educational activities, but also it will be the secondary option to Improve the effective and meaningful educational process.

The mall purpose of the Strategy for Information and Communication Technology Implementation In Education Is to provide the prospects and trends of Integrating Information and communication technology (CIT) Into the general educational activities.There are some unavoidable facts In the odder education: first, the CIT has been developing very rapidly nowadays. Therefore, in order to balance it, the whole educational system should be reformed and CIT should be integrated into educational activities. The influence of CIT, especially internet (open source tool) cannot be ignored in our student's lives. So, the learning activities should be reoriented and reformulated, from the manual source centered to the open source ones.

In this case the widely use of internet access has been an unavoidable policy that should be anticipated by schools authorities.Internet-based information and communication technologies (Acts) and the information flows they support have played an important role in the advancement of society. In this paper we investigate the role of Internet-based Acts in electoral revolutions. Employing a case study approach, we examine the part played by Acts during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine (2000-2004). Roles and activities of the dissenters, as well as their associates, the incumbent authorities and their allies are analyzed with regard to Internet-based technologies during the electoral revolution n Ukraine.The case of the Orange Revolution is particularly salient, as even though only one to two percent of the Ukrainian population had access to the Internet, this was sufficient to mobile the citizens towards an eventually successful revolution.

This paper lays the groundwork for further investigations into use of Acts by political dissenters. The central finding of this study Is that CIT rarely acts as a catalyst by Itself for schooling change, yet can be a powerful lever for realizing planned educational innovations. The term Innovation Is used In this study as a general designation for substantive, positive change In a school system.The real practical examples of Innovative approaches were chosen for the purposes of this research only If they Involved the whole school, not only Limited number of teachers or one subject.

Schools are considered as Ideal learning organizations If they can Improve themselves, learn from their mistakes, and embody In their own structure and their services new knowledge that they acquire. For this to occur, leadership, usually by he principal, must foster collaboration so that teachers are as concerned with the own success.For the purpose of describing the progress of introducing the innovations to schools, the study suggests use the model of Mindanao and Cline (1994). It includes four stages of diffusion: survival,mastery, impact, and innovation.

In the survival stage, teachers struggle to learn the technology, operating mostly by trial and error while maintaining the status quo in their classrooms. As technical competence increases, the mastery stage is reached in which new forms of interactions are developed, along with better coping strategies, sounder curriculum models, and less reliance on systems experts.In the impact stage, the classroom becomes more learner-centered, technology becomes infused in learning activities, and use of systems applications becomes more varied. Finally (for some teachers) the innovation stage is reached, wherein the teacher restructures the curriculum and learning activities, moving beyond the mandated procedures and content.

[p. 23] This study contains more very inspiring ideas. Some of the most interesting are cited n the following selection: The I-J Laptop Project evaluation put forth the idea of a critical mass of CIT required within a school before CIT can catch on with the staff (Harrison, 1998).This idea is also reiterated in COCA - Mountain View (case study), which speaks of a critical mass of practitioners to create a culture of innovation.

There is no clear definition of what a critical mass might be for any desired level of CIT involvement but suggest that it would be defined by types of usage rather than by simple counts, ratios, and percentages (student/computer ratio, number of lassoers connected to the Internet, etc. ). [p. 4] If the mere application of CIT within a school generally led to more student centered teaching, then countries that desired changes in that direction could focus resources solely on bringing a strong CIT infrastructure into schools and assuring that teachers used it in their teaching. The opposite finding, which is what we are reporting, leads to a different strategy wherein both the CIT infrastructure and the planning and professional development for pedagogical change are required to achieve more student centered caching.

P. 14] In the colleges, universities, and normal schools, pre-service education needs to adjust to the digital world. Graduates of the teacher education programs should not only be comfortable with CIT applications but also should understand the importance of innovation and of change. Today's technology probably will not be tomorrow's technology.

Knowing how to use a specific search engine is not as important as understanding the problems in organizing and retrieving information from systems like the World Wide Web.