Motivation and Emotion Essay The prince's mother is motivated by Love and Belonging. The theory that can best be expressed by her character is Schacter-Singer.

Love and belonging is when others affiliate to be accepted and belong. The prince's mother wanted to feel worthy, respected, and have a status to her name. Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, they need to love and be loved by others. The mother strives so hard for acceptance because at this level the deeds of love from family is very important.

The reason why the prince's mother showed love and belonging was because she organized what she did out of love. She only wanted her son to find someone and be happy. When the other princesses had come she rejected all of them Just because they didn't pass her test of being a well-born lady. When she put the pea under the very soft bed, she did it because she wanted to help, (IEEE;love and belonging) she wanted her son to marry only the very best.Chatter-Singer's theory states that perception and arousal interact to crate emotions. Internal components of emotions can affect a person differently depending on his/her interpretations of the solution.

The mothers showed signs of this theory, because she let her perceptions (about if the princess can feel the pea... ) create her emotions that she felt. The mother interpreted the situation in a way that only she understood. Her emotions effected what she perceived out of the situation.