In Anaconda's"how to tame a wild tongue",her target audience are: chicanes,chicanes and others who have had their language burdened by a dominant language. In her writing she uses ethos, pathos, and logos.

Unusual tells us about her bringing up in an American school system. Her Ethos increases as she describes us what she's been through and experiences. She tells us about her different struggles she's put up with as her teachers deeply enforced her to forget her roots and adapt to an American way of thinking and speaking.Her knowledge and experiences of using different languages that are forms of Spanish, give us reason to listen to her. When she lists the different languages she uses and Spanish phrases she appeals, she appeals to anyone who has had difficulty with language struggles.

"in my culture they are all words that are derogatory if applied to women-I've never heard them applied to men. "(2947) Even through her own culture she Is unable to express herself to the full Towards the middle of the story she gives us Insight on her feelings extent. About how she feels about language oppression. Read 

com/indo-european-language-family-3225/">Indo-European Language Family essay.Her emotion about the situation combine with ethos when she tells us what impact language has on someone. Her remarks give us more common understanding and give us an experience of emotional toll language can affect someone and how it is connected not only to the way they speak but their culture and themselves. "who is to say that robbing a people of Its language Is less violent than war? '(2947), tells us that the taking away of a language Is a form of containment _ This gives the audience emotional feeling toward her.

As she gives her own experience with language assimilation, she has a rather impact on the audience with her logos.Her examples give us something to think of as well as sympathize with or even empathic with. During her writing she uses quotes, giving us more insight in to how she feels as well as examples of other people who feel the same. "Identify is the essential core of who we are as individuals,the conscious experience of the self She tells of chicanes as people with their culture mixed In with language. Unusual gives the audience an understanding of what language is to a person.

She uses ethos, pathos, and logos to further her message to her audience.