In todays workplace more and more administrations are paying attending to actuate employees, giving staff a much wider scope of motives than even before by utilizing assorted theories and attacks. Motivation, a good tool widely applied to organisetional direction, 'We define motive as the procedures that account for an person 's strength, way, and continuity of attempt toward achieving a end ' ( Robbins, 2009, p.144 ) . Some people believe that motive is offering proper fiscal wagess, good working environments and public assistances. However, employees ' demands are complex and a assorted of constituents can hold a big impact on their occupation satisfactions and motives.

So this essay will concentrate on how to actuate employees in workplace. The end of the present survey is to measure two motive theories selected by analyzing the collected information. The first portion of this essay is background about the two theories -- Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, and how one develop the inquiries to measure the theories. The remainder of it is organised as follows. The 2nd subdivision focuses on the findings, showing the findings that I collected from the questionnaires to see the consequences.

The 3rd subdivision focuses on the nexus between findings and theories, construing consequences by comparing findings against the theories and utilizing the theories to explicate the findings. The 4th subdivision concludes and evaluates the theories in pratise.


It is really of import for administrations to cognize how to actuate employees. 'Effective employee motive has long been one of direction 's most hard and of import responsibilities ' ( Kajanova, 2008 ) . Therefore, the administrations are in hunt of theories can be applied to actuate employees, and how to utilize the theories to trip employees ' motive. This essay, typically, investigates one content theory and one procedure theory from motive theories, including Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory.

First, content theories are centered on single demands. The theories are need-based motive which suggest that the chiefly rule is to fulfill the demands of person in workplace ( Schermerhorn, 1998 ) . In footings of Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Maslow proposed a motive theory of single hierarchy demands, placing person 's demands into five distinguishable degree from basic demands at the underside of hierarchy to self-actualization demands at the top ( DuBrin, 2008 ) . The five distinguishable degree are: physiological, safety, societal, esteem and self-actualization ( ibid ) . The chief rules of Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs is that ' The demands at the underside of hierarchy must be fulfilled before the demands higher up can be considered ' ( Gorman, 2004, p. 45 ) .

In other words, after single fulfilled the bottom degree, the higher degrees can be more of import to them. The bottom degree demands should be satisfied first, earlier moved to the higher degree of demands. Harmonizing to this theory, physiological demands such as nutrient, H2O and money are the basic needs that person may see chiefly. The undermentioned demands for security, stableness and protection will be considered after physiological demands have been satisfied.

Furthermore, when person satisfied by a demand, it will non be motivated to him/her ( Lauby, 2005 ) .In other words, directors should actuate employees step by measure harmonizing to the hierarchy of demands. However, the procedure theories interpret motive in different facets and propose attacks to trip and excite single demands in order to better motive ( Schermerhorn, 1998 ) . The cardinal point of Vroom 's Expectancy Theory is based on the relationship among the person 's attempt, public presentation and result. The theory addresses 'aˆ¦aˆ¦a individual 's beliefs sing effort-performance relationships and the results potentially associated with different degrees of public presentation achievement ' ( ibid p.

71 ) . In this instance, the theory means that if people want to make something or involvement in making one thing, they will make desire they can make and set more attempt on it. There is a expression to depict the cardinal relationships and cipher the motive. There are three cardinal component in the expression of motive. 'Vroom posits that motive ( M ) , anticipation ( E ) , instrumentality ( I ) , and valency ( V ) are multiplicatively related to one another by equation: M = E A- I A- V ' ( ibid p.71 ) .

Anticipation is the estimation of undertaking public presentation ; Staff use it to gauge the degree of seting attempt on undertakings ( Mukherjee, 2005 ) . In add-on, valency is the value which person will see whether it is deserving to set attempt to carry through the undertaking ( Schermerhorn, 1998 ) . So, harmonizing to this expression, for a high motive to hold positive impact, the multiplier anticipation, instrumentality and valency demand to be every bit high as possible. On the contrary, if one of the multipliers reduces, that may take to diminish in motivational impact. In other words, motivational impact will be low if the multipliers are low.A questionnaire is developed to research the cogency of Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory.

The first portion of the questionnaire is question one to five, which are inquiries about different degrees of hierarchy of demands to research what sorts of motivational factors have strong impact on employees. There are five inquiries respect five different degrees of Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs in workplace severally. The remainder of the questionnaire is applied to develop how personal ends drive staff to work expeditiously. For maintain the criterion of study and truth, I asked 10 people who have merely one twelvemonth work experience to make full in the questionnaires.

I focus on one-year-experience employees and each of them works in different Fieldss.

Key findings

Harmonizing to the study, several points of consequences are needed to be outlined. First, most of the respondents considered the physiological demands -- adequate money and a proper work environment is highly of import. In the 2nd topographic point, occupation security, societal demands and acquiring acknowledgments in work are non important factors to actuate their work.

However, more than a half of respondents think acquiring chances to larn new accomplishments and cognition are really of import motives. The remainder portion is respond to Vroom 's Expectancy Theory. Half of people consider clear ends and occupation undertakings have great impact on their work. On the reverse, merely one people regards engagement and credence in the goal-setting as a important factor in work ; Six of the respondents think that is non of import for them. In add-on, the bulk of respondents believe personal ends in work and calling are really important motives and the value of result to single hold impact on their work public presentation.


Harmonizing to the informations collected, we can measure the theories.

First, as can be seen from the findings, physiological demands are really of import to employees. The physiological demands in workplace can merely depict as wage and work environment. Harmonizing to Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs, 'when these demands are satisfied other higher demands emerge, which dominate a individual 's behavior ' ( Saiyadain, 2009, p.155 ) The respondents have graduated for one twelvemonth, they therefore see physiological demands are really of import to them. In add-on, occupation security, relationships with co-workers and acknowledgments have chosen to be reasonably of import for them.

These three degrees of demands in workplace can be describe as safety demands, societal demands and self-actualization in Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs. Harmonizing to Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs, the old portion is mentioned that these degrees of demands ( safety demands, societal demands and self-actualization ) are higher degree demands ; Because demands in the bottom degree demand to be satisfied, so higher degree demands will go of import. It can explicate why respondents think higher degree of demands ( safety, societal and self-actualization ) are non that of import compareing to physiological demands. Because they still need to fulfill their physiological demands before they can travel to higher degrees.

On the contrary, the chance to larn new accomplishments and cognition, which can be regard as self-esteem demands, are really of import to most of the respondents. Harmonizing to the background subdivision, self-esteem demands is a higher degree demands. Although respondents consider the bottom degree demands -- physiological demands are really of import, they still think self-esteem demands have important impacts on them. It can be pointed out that the respondents merely have one twelvemonth experience for work, so learning relevant work accomplishments and cognition are more of import than societal communicating and occupation security.In footings of the remainder of the findings, respondents by and large think clear work undertakings and ends affect people 's work.

Furthermore, most of respondents think a wages in their work is a good motive. From the point of Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, the result of work associated with the attempt and public presentation. In this instance, respondents work in different Fieldss, and they have assorted wagess systems every bit good as public presentation inducements. It can non be prove that the current occupation undertakings have strong impact on their wagess. Second, most of respondents consider puting personal work ends are really of import to them, but most of them are non traveling to take portion in the goal-setting. It can be less of nexus between personal ends and administrations ' end in the their plants.

Furthermore, respondents believe achievement of a undertaking leads to the wages they expected, and this can trip their motives. So, harmonizing to Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, there is an intensive nexus between public presentation and results. If employees know that they can acquire the results they expected through their public presentation, they will set more attempt on the public presentation.


Although the findings can be analysed by utilizing the theories, there are still some restrictions of these two motive theories. Restrictions of Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs can be explained as follows. First, the Hierarchy of Needs Theory has been recognised widely, but there is small research and groundss to back up this theory ( Robbins, 2009 ) .

Secondly, some argue that Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs did non see single different state of affairss. For illustration, in old findings, the respondents are new in their work calling, and they think self-esteem is more of import than safety demands. They feel the importance of demands is non merely from the underside of hierarchy to the top. Because employees they may hold different demands in different phases of work calling. It can be another illustration that respondents believe physiological demands are every bit of import as self-esteem.

So, single difference should be involved when directors consider employees demands. Beyond this, Maslow merely identified types of demands ; What directors need to make is satisfing employees with different demands, and that can take to actuate people at work. In this instance, person 's enterprise is underestimated in this theory. Despite these restrictions, Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs is presented basic range of single demands by placing types of demands, and it is of import information for administrations mention every bit good as for direction practises. When it comes to Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, it is a theory that presents the relationship among attempt, public presentation and result. Clearly, harmonizing to the findings, what affects person 's motive involves the attempt, work public presentation and result.

In Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, single will gauge their attempt and result. If the value of result to single is deserving, employee will set attempt on the task/goal. Harmonizing to the findings, merely one people think engagement and credence in the goal-setting is really of import, although most of respondents think their personal ends are really of import. So it can be a restriction of the Expectancy Theory that personal value of wages is non ever matches the administration end.

If there is a spread between personal end and the administration end, the employee will non acquire high motivational consequence, and it may take to low efficiency in work. Beyond this, when employees consider the attempt they will set in the hereafter, they may overrate what they can make to accomplish the undertaking. As a consequence, they can non accomplish the high public presentation as they expected, it can take to demotivate in work public presentation.Beyond the restrictions, there are links between Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory. First, both the theories, typically, focal point on the person 's demands. They believe that people have demands and the desire for carry throughing the demands is the trigger of motive.

In other words, person will make what they can make to carry through their demands. So both procedures of two motive theories are achieve the end and carry through the demands. However, these theories based on researching single demands have different facets. Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory related to intrinsic motive and it identified types of demands.

The cardinal attack to actuate employees is to carry through the their demands. Administrations foremost, need to calculate out employees ' demands, and so fulfill those demands by utilizing different attacks in order to derive high motivational consequence. In footings of Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, person 's demands are non divided into different parts. In this instance, the person 's demands are related to ends and expected wagess. For illustration, if person 's demand can be satisfied by a end, and he has capableness to accomplish the end, so he will be motivated to make.

It is operable.Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory are applied widely to direction practise. Harmonizing to the rating mentioned above, some attacks can be used to actuate employees in practise. First, use Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs as the mention to place employees inevitably, every bit good as see single different features and state of affairss such as different gender, employees from different civilizations and so on. Administrations should supply a proper work environment and work installations for employees in order to carry through the basic demands.

Beyond this, it is really of import for administrations to puting employees ends and undertakings. Employees should be allowed to take part in end scene, and fit their ends to the administrations ' . Furthermore, administrations can offer proper preparation and resources to back up employees, giving them clear public presentation ends to direct ( Schermerhorn, 1998 ) . To place relationship between effort-goal and corroborate the accomplishment and wagess, makes employees believe they can accomplish the mark if they work hard. To motivation staff with what they want, so that administrations can derive high efficiency in return.To sum up, Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Vroom 's Expectancy Theory, both are theories that applied to modern universe.

Furthermore, they have of import significance to organizational direction in practise. So it can be used to explicate the findings. Although restrictions of the theories remains, they are still really of import for directors to calculate out how to actuate their employees. The theories present a basic range of single 's demands, directors therefore need to research the demands of employees and see single difference. The Expectancy Theory provide an attack to associate attempt, public presentation and reword. A procedure of that is analyzing single demand 's deeply before motivation.

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