Introduction People are now living in the 21st century wherein technology is globally famous. They set aside some of the old ways and embrace the new discoveries in the thought that it can make humans life easy. As the time passed by, many development technologies are generally used. Enormous advanced programmers develop a new system and introduce this to the society which made humans life easy and convenient.

It helps the people to communicate others with the help of social networks and get updated the happenings of the world.As for now many establishments have this system for the purpose of advertising, giving information, news updates, and for entertainments. Academic institutions all over the world are now offering online/web-based services. From enrollment transactions up to grade inquiry are mostly done on the web. Schools are Just one of the institutions who need a web application for sharing to the public their recognition they have to achieved, their student's achievements and profiles, school's plans and activities, and latest school news.Fortunately, enormous schools now have the web applications for haring their information of their schools such as grades.

Lots of schools now use information system that capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate or display information. According to Mary Jane Santos most of the transactions are done on the web, from applying a Job to buying items. This is because web-based services offer a great deal of benefits. It does not Just save your time when transacting, but it is really so mobile that you can do it anywhere and anytime as long as you want to, making web-based services effective and practical.

You can buy items, pay your monthly bills, check on our bank account, send money abroad and even buy pizza and burger online. Student Information Systems, commonly referred to as SIS, was released initially in 2005 in a collaborated effort between Student Academic Affairs Office (AAAS) and the Office of Educational Technology (EOT). The objective was to take Banner Student information and create a more user friendly interface for tracking student information, reporting on the information, and further assisting with College of Education needs which could not be met by Banner.In this time, many organizations, ND institutions rely on the technology.

One of the examples is the school. Schools now have this so called Student Information System to disseminate information regarding to what they have in their school. This system is the replacement of the bulky file cabinets of the data and information collected in their offices. Currently lot of students in SC-BC who wished to take a look on their grades must first deal with the manual system. You need to ask a Requesting Form from the registrar stating that you are requesting for your grades.Then, you will proceed to the finance office ND pay the sum of the certificate of grades.

In this process of inquiring the student are not always accommodated by the registrar because of a certain reason that they prioritize other things. Additional to that, students will not get as soon as possible the data they required because it takes time to process it. As a result of these more students no longer inquire and required their grades and other information in the registrar's office. That's why the researchers want to develop a system that will help the students lessen their burden about inquiring in registrar.