Information Technology Unit 2 Internal Assessment Table of Contents Content Page Acknowledgementsi Abstract 1 Section 12 Problem Definition 3 Analysis of the problem4-5 Identification and Justification of tools6-7 Assessment of the implication of the solution8-9 Section 210 Implementation of the solution11-14 Section 315 Appendices16-23 Abstract For many years the Meadowbrook High School Book Room has been plagued with problems. Problems such as slow service, malfunctioning equipment and the lack of computer devices. However, the main problem encountered is the slow service received when using the Book Room.
It has been discovered that there aren’t enough measures put in place to tackle this problem. This research or project is being conducted to rectify this problems encountered. It will identify the causes of these problems, how were they developed, the solutions to rectify them and how the solutions suggested shall benefit the Book Room. This project costs of three sections: 1. Section one comprises of a definition of the problem, an analysis of the findings for the problem, an identification of the most suitable productivity tool and the issues that may arise from the implementation of the solution. . Section two comprises of an appropriate use of the Database productivity tool and the solutions to help counteract the problem. 3. Section three comprises of appendices 1 [pic] 2 Problem Definition The computer Systems that the Book Room uses to operate its business sometimes operates slowly. These computer systems are also not up to date which therefore account for the slow service and sometimes require the installation of new computer software. The main error discovered or made when collecting and returning books is the slow service.
When a child receives a book from the book room he or she is expected to take care of the book until it is to be returned. When collecting books from the book room under the book rental program, the number of children collecting books is high due to the fact that the computer system operates slowly and each students name has to be entered into the system. After each name has been entered, then the book he or she is receiving has to be scanned into the system and the name and number each book has to be entered under his/her name for future reference.
Children tend to return books that are not theirs, which results in a fine being paid for lost, stolen or outstanding books. Because of these errors, students are forming long lines. There is also the fact that there is only one computer resulting in the slow service. Most of the time when a person visits the book room to return a book, the person in charge has to type in the student’s name, wait until the name and information comes up and then he/she tells you about the books you have outstanding or which books you have returned, resulting in the process being long and slow. 3 Analysis of the Problem
The book room is known to be one of the most important facilities at Meadowbrook which keeps proper records of books borrowed by students under the rental program. Over the years a number of problems have been encountered with the service at the Book Room. Students are the persons that use this system daily and are the one’s who tend to encounter these problems. The problems identified by the students and other persons are lack of computer devices(22%), malfunctioning of the computer system(10%) and lack of computer software(20%) but the main problem encountered was the slow service(45%), see appendix 6.
Three fact finding techniques had been used to identify these problems; Questionnaire, an observation and Interview. Based on the information gathered from the surveys (Questionnaire and interview –see appendix for copies) that had been done, it was evident that there were a number of causes for the main problem. Out of the 15 questionnaires that had been issued, 10 were returned. The returned questionnaires had revealed that most of the respondents were female (62%) and males (38%) (See pie chart in appendix 5). The survey had also identified a few causes to the various problems.
The causes to these problems include the use of old computer devices, the use of outdated software and the major cause, lack of monetary funds. On certain days such as the beginning of the school year, the number of students that have turned out to use the book room would have added to the slow service. 4 Based on the respondents response it is stated that the school is not doing enough to rectify these problems, which therefore resulted in the problems being evident. There are a few solutions to correct these problems.
Implementing the use of voice command devices was chosen by 36% of the respondents; 54% chose to implement the use of swipe cards, 7% chose to install new computer software and 3% suggested that the Book Room purchase a new barcode reader. The main benefit of implementing these solutions would be for faster and smoother service, which was, stated 62% of the respondents. On January 23, 2009 an interview (see appendix 4) was conducted. The interviewees were the book room operator and a student at the school. Both were asked the same set of questions.
The findings stated to be similar to that of the findings of the questionnaire. It is evident that the main problem encountered was the slow service; both interviewees stated this. The book room operator also stated that the malfunctioning of the devices was another problem. The problems tend to exist because of the lack of monetary funds. It was also noticed that both interviewees stated that the school is not doing enough to correct these problems. Both interviewees response to correct the problems were to implement the use of swipe cards and to install voice command devices.
On such a day (beginning of school year) an observation (see appendix 7) had been done. The observation had shown how long it took a male student to get through. It took the boy approximately 27 minutes in all as he moved from the back of the line to the front and to also obtain service. It is therefore obvious that the service is slow. 5 Identification and Justification of Tools In order to correct the problem of slow service at the book room, a number of appropriate tools have to be considered. The most significant solution to solve the problem was the implementation of electronic swipe cards.
During the implementation stage a few productivity tools would have to be considered. The most appropriate productivity tool would be the use of a Database Management System (DBMS). This system requires that database management software be used in order to ensure that proper records are kept for each student. Most database software packages store the data of students in tables and allow the data in the different tables to be linked in various ways. Typical features of a database package are: •Forms to enter the data. •Queries that allow the data to be selected and sorted in various ways. •Tabular reports.
A DBMS has been known to be the most efficient productivity tool when it comes to keeping proper records and also fast and secure access to these records. . It allows the book room operator to enter the data or information for each student and provide reports that allow the data to be viewed in different forms. The reasons for using this tool to help solve the problem are that it comes with a wide array of features for data recollection; it is user friendly towards novice users and allows the most important data to be kept confidential. The swipe card is used because of its speed capabilities.
The information would be kept on the cards and the students could swipe and go. The book room operator would be able to update the records of the student after the child has swiped the card. In terms of security each student would have their own password to access the card. 6 Both of these tools would be able to solve the problem. The DBMS would keep, store and present the data on the student in tables, forms and queries. The swipe cards would be used as the access point for the data, because the data cannot be accessed without the card and the password. This allows secure confidentiality of the data. 7
Assessment of the Implication of the solution In today’s world every problem solving process requires an assessment of the issues that may arise throughout the implementation of the project. With the implementation of the electronic swipe cards a number of issues are expected to arise. One such issue that is expected to arise is the impact that it will have on the students and the book room operator. The implementation of the system will not result in the operator losing his/her job but will require that he/she obtain some form of training as to how to operate the new system. Due to the upgrading of the technology in the book oom, the operator will have to guide the students as to how to use the system. Another impact is the smooth service that will be present once the problem has been eliminated. This would be classified as a positive impact on the service when using the book room. This proves that the use of a new database management system has helped to solve the problem and it would encourage persons to use the system more often. The new system can be upgraded, it has sufficient security features and in order to prevent the same problem from occurring again, the school has to update the technology in the book room frequently.
One such issue that is expected to arise is the cost benefits of the program. Cost is one of the most important factors to consider. If there is no money to fund the project then the implementation of the solution will not be able to take place. It will cost the school a reasonable amount of money, but a way in which we could counteract this issue is to charge the student’s a small fee (about $1,000) which would be allocated for in the student’s development fund. 8 For instance, it is estimated that if the book room continues to operate daily using the same old system than just buying a new system and the tools needed, it would cost more.
Another impact is the technological value that it would have on the school. This improvement in the technology would encourage the school to upgrade other technological devices after realizing what a wonderful investment they had made in the elimination of the slow service at the book room. This would also help the entire school to become technologically developed. These assessments of the implication of the swipe card system in the book room will help to ensure that the school be advised on how to deal with future related problems in the book room. 9 [pic] 10
Implementation of the solution Open file on CD [pic] Open database solutions 11 [pic] Open a table [pic] Open a query 12 [pic] Select a form [pic] Selecting switchboard 13 [pic] Select “7th grade” on switchboard to edit or view the 7th grade file 14 [pic] 15 16 APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire This questionnaire will be used to identify any problems encountered with the Book Room. This study is being conducted for an Information Technology Internal Assessment currently being done. Please answer the questions honestly and the information collected will be kept confidential. . What is your gender? Male Female 2. What is your present status at the school? Student Administrative worker Auxiliary worker Other _________________ Please Specify 3. How long have you been at Meadowbrook High School? Less than 1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years Over 4 years 4. During your time at Meadowbrook have you ever experienced any problems with the Book Room? Yes No Not sure 17 5. If yes, select the problem encountered where possible? Slow service Lack of computer devices Malfunctioning of devices Lack of computer software
Other _________________ Please Specify 6. What do you think may be the cause of these problems? Lack of money Use of outdated software Use of old computer devices Bookkeeper is a novice Other _________________ Please Specify 7. Do you think the school is doing enough to rectify these problems? Yes No To some extent 8. Select one measure that could rectify these problems? Implementing the use of Voice Command devices Implementing the use of swipe cards
Installing new computer softwares Purchase new barcode readers Other _________________ Please Specify 18 9. Do you believe that the measure suggested in question 8 could work? Yes No Not sure 10. Give reason for your answer? 11. What are the benefits of implementing the solution selected in question 8? Faster and smoother service Improvement in Technology Confidentiality of records Other ________________ Please specify THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! 19 APPENDIX 3 Interview This interview will be conducted to identify any problems encountered with the Book Room.
Below are the questions that shall be asked. Information collected shall be kept confidential. 1. Are there any problems encountered during the day to day running of the Book Room? 2. Name a few problems encountered by students during the operation of the Book Room? 3. Why do these problems tend to exist? 4. Does the lack of monetary funds help to contribute to these problems? 5. What are some of the resources used by the Book Room? 6. Does the school’s budget cover the various resources or materials needed for the running of the Book Room? . Suggest a few solutions that could rectify these problems? 20 APPENDIX 4 Interview The responses of one of the respondents: 1. ___________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. ____________________________. 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 6. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 7. _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 1 APPENDIX 5 [pic] The pie chart above shows that 62% of the respondents were female and 38% were male. APPENDIX 6 [pic] The pie chart above shows that 45% of the respondents state that the main problem encountered at the book room is the slow service, 22% state that the lack of computer devices may be the problem, 20% state that the lack of computer software, 10% state that the malfunctioning of computer devices and 3% state that there are other problems other than the ones suggested. 22 APPENDIX 7 Observation Schedule . A particular student will be observed. 2. How long will it take the child to reach the front of the line? 3. How long will it take that child to get through once at the front of the line? 4. What is the attitude of the student during that time? 5. What is the attitude of the Book Room operator? Time of observation- 10:25a. m. To 11:20a. m. Date of observation- January 19, 2009 |Time |Schedule |Results | |10:25a. m. Observation of student begins |A boy was being observed | |10:25a. m. to 10:45a. m. |How long it took the boy to reach the |It took the boy 20 minutes | | |front | | |10:45a. m. to 10:52a. m. |How long it took the boy to get through |It took the boy 7 minutes | | |once at front | | |10:45a. . to 10:52a. m. |Boy’s attitude at that time during the |His attitude was moderate seeing that he | | |slow service |was somewhat patient and at the same time| | | |wanting to get through promptly | |10:45a. m. to 10:52a. m |Attitude of book room operator |She was miserable and frustrated | 23 ----------------------- [pic]