Many people's religious values believe genetic engineering is wrong.

Even some people who are nonreligious also believe it is too artificial for science to be determining genetics. Others argue that Human Genetic Engineering will help reduce the world of incurable diseases and other negative inherited traits. Human Genetic Engineering could the future of medicine and also be the next Step in human evolution. By being able to change certain harmful genes in reproductive cells we have the power to be able to completely wipe out incurable diseases like Autism, Alchemist's, and Cystic Fibrosis (Genome. Ova). Using modern genetic tech oenology we can screen expectant parents to see if their children are at risk for certain diseases, and then with Human Genetic Engineering we can alter that child's genetic makeup in order for them to be born healthy and strong.

Right now genetically engineered bacteria and microorganisms are being used to create human insulin and other pharmaceuticals that are helping people every day.Another example of Genetic engineering is a case study involving a group of people suffering from kidney failure (Missouri Ethics. Due). A group of people with a 10-20 percent chance of survival regained healthy kidney behavior due to a hybrid kidney created through tissue engineering.

Since the beginning of time humans have improved qualities in themselves by natural selection. The human race has survived for this long because we slowly 'Weed out" weak links in our race naturally.