Donald Whitney calls on his experience as a Pastor, Theologian, Professor, published author and Christian to present the reader with a one-volume compilation of those disciplines that help shape and direct the Christian Life.Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life meets the reader on the road to seeking God, as both a new believer searching for understanding or a seasoned Christian yearning for a deeper relationship. J.I. Packer, in the forward, admonishes the reader when he writes: “if, then, as a Christian you want to be really real with your God, moving beyond the stage of playing games with yourself and Him, this book provide practical help”.

Given Packers comments the reader should ready himself for a journey into those nuances of spiritual life that have life changing implications. Packer concludes his thoughts will advise to the reader “Now friend, prepare for the workout, and you will find health for your soul” SummaryWhitney in, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, presents the reader with ten distinct disciplines designed to develop and deepen their Christian experience. The disciplines are grouped independently, but a quick review of chapters notes the dependent relationship each discipline has to each other. The consistent theme throughout the book, focuses on mans search for Godliness through adapting these disciplines as a staple for daily life.

Whitney upholds this thesis when he writes, “ Godliness is the goal of the Disciplines, and when we remember this, the Disciplines become a delight instead of drudgery” Whitney goes on to opine in the chapter that the overarching purpose of practicing disciplines is seeking godliness. He writes “ The Spiritual Disciplines are the God given means we are to use in the Spirit filled pursuit of meaning” Whitney states God uses 3 catalysts to change a person, Circumstances, People and Disciplines.Since we have little control over the first two, we need to utilize the third, Spiritual Discipline, to affect change in life. He writes” God has given us Spiritual Discipline as a means of receiving His grace and growing in Godliness” The discipline of Bible intake is of such significant importance to Whitney he devoted two chapters to signify its position as the solid foundation the other can spring from. He writes, “ No Spiritual Discipline is more important than the intake of Gods Word. Nothing can substitute for it”Whitney provides sound overview and application for hearing, reading, studying memorizing, meditating on, and applying Gods Word.

Over the next eight chapters Whitney focus the reader on specific Disciplines from prayer and worship, which joined with Bible intake, completes the vertical relationship with God. Evangelism, Serving and Stewardship point to our responsibilities to fulfill the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28.The final chapters of Fasting, Silence and Solitude, Journaling and Learning work to deepen the reader’s relationship with God. Each chapter gives relevant and thought provoking tools the reader can add to their spiritual toolbox.

Whitney utilizes Biblical and Historic sources and other theologians to build and support his thesis in terms that assist with application in the readers personal life. The More application section presents the reader with questions that directly challenge their understanding of the material and how it can be applied to a Spiritual Growth Plan.In the final chapter on perseverance in the Disciplines, Whitney points out that Godly people are sometimes too busy with ministry and serving others to focus on their own Christian walk. Whitney writes: Spiritual Disciplines have always been what makes a Godly person out of a busy person” He goes on to opine that these Disciplines are given to us by God to become more like Christ.

Whitney also points to three keys that will assist the believer in preserving personal disciplines: The role of the Holy Spirit, The role of fellowship and the role of struggle in a Christian’s life. As the book ends Whitney leaves the reader with a statement and a question. He writes, “ Just as the way to God is through Christ centered practice of the Spiritual Disciplines. Will you discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness? When and where will you begin”? CritiqueSpiritual Disciplines for the Christian life does deliver on the promise of J.

I Packard in the forward by providing practical help for the Christian who want to get real with God, but like many one volume compendiums sacrifice depth of content for breath of content.This observation, in no way, diminished the impact this book has in assisting the reader with developing a deeper walk with the Lord, but speaks more to my desire to gain a deeper prospective into the disciplines from a biblical observation. I appreciated Whitney’s incorporating the works of scholars such as Robert Frost, Dallas Willard into the discussions on Spiritual Formation as a support mechanism to garner creditability.The only down side is that incorporates the works of other theologians can distract the reader from the primary material.

I found myself doing research on the scholars to better understand their theories and how this information would be incorporated in my Spiritual development plan.The More application sections bring the reader into the conversation and assists with gaining a sense of identity with the text. The disciplines outlined by Whitney are presented in a manner where the reader can understand and discern the biblical foundations that support their importance in the ongoing quest for spiritual maturity. A noted criticism is to fully grasp these concepts the reader must already have a level of Christian exposure or being mentored by mature Christian.I do not feel this is a good book for the new believer since many of the concepts and theories discussed are presented without much background information. For instance the section on prayer builds a strong case both Biblically and through the experiences of theologians, on how Prayer is expected or learned.

However, does not provide the reader with the questions we hear from new believers such as “ What is prayer?” “What do I say when praying” These may seem like very rudimentary questions, but are valid concerns for the new believer.ApplicationThis book tremendously challenged me to take an inventory of my spiritual identity and honestly outline areas of spiritual weakness. Once this inventory is completed the process of implementing the Disciplines can begin. For many years my spiritual life has been filled with ministry business. Men’s meeting on Monday, Bible Study on Tuesday, Prayer on Wednesday, etc. This spiritual busy work has taken me away from nurturing my personal relationship with God.

This is a key element in my quest to be a more effective spiritual leader and witness for Christ. Incorporating these disciplines helps me submit to God to direct my path and focus on those areas of ministry that I can provide more service. A good analogy is to be a laser instead of a flashlight. Previously my focus was on doing as much as possible in an attempt to serve God, but my efficiency and effectiveness was not optimal.The sections on silence and solitude really impressed on me the importance of slowing down and deliberately setting time to speak with God without outside stimuli or interruption.

This has been key to feeling refreshed in ministry and seeking to serve God in new ways. Journaling is not my strong suit, but realize now how this discipline help me catalog what God is saying to me for future study or as a tool to share with my family.I shared this book with my Wife and we have implemented some of the disciplines in our daily devotional, especially Prayer, Worship and Fasting together. Committing to these discipline together in a family Spiritual Growth plan has strengthened our marriage, brought accountability and stability to my household, and allowed God to work through my Wife and I in counseling other couples that feel stuck spiritually.Finally, I shared this with the men in my weekly discipleship training, “The way of the alongside”, The training, consequently, is built on a spiritual Formation platform and stresses the importance of adhering to standards designed to strengthen the disciples resolve for service as an alongsider.

Many of the men were impressed to the point of seeking assistance in creating a Spiritual Growth plan. This initiative will be a key aspect of the overall growth and success of the ministry and provide the resources needed to seek God daily in our quest to be a fully devoted disciple of Christ, and fulfill the great commission.ConclusionSpiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life provided me with sound information on those spiritual disciplines that are important to my continued maturity in Christ. Whitney presented the material in a biblically based environment supported by biblical scholars and theologians.

I found it a valuable asset to my Christian library and will use it as a reference for small group discussions or mentorship opportunities with those in my ministry team.I do not feel that it a good reference for the new believer, without proper guidance through the discipleship process. Whitney delivered on the promises stated by Packard in the forward in a few ways. The book provided me with practical help with getting real with God and jumping off the religious rollercoaster, and provided me direction in focusing my laser along the path of life.

I was pleasantly refreshed and impacted in my personal life from this reading experience.BibliographyWhitney, Donald. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs: NavPress.
