Human resources and management developed from social and organizational activities throughout history of humanity (Nayab & Wistrom, 2011). It has evolved from administrative duties to managing the human capital needed for producing and service industries. The development of technology facilitated a need for managing and administration of employees. The technology of manufacturing created a trend and need for a department to oversee employee relations, pay, benefits and developed into incorporate recruiting, training, payroll systems, retention, employee records and organizational strategy and behavior.The industrial revolution contributed to the beginning of human resource management with the need of protecting employees from harsh conditions, long hours and low pay (Kaizenlog, 2006).

During this time as manufacturing industries developed, employees worked long hours in hazardous conditions with little pay. These conditions contributed to riots and disputes between the organization and labor resulting in the government intervening. The government also created legislation in the 1930’s to protect employees from abuse and develop standards protecting the employees (Nayab & Wistrom, 2011).The organizations found it necessary to create a group within the organization to monitor labor issues and relations as labor unions were forming (Nayab & Wistrom, 2011).

The protection of the employee and organization became the basis of the first human resources department. It a necessary activity of human resources in modern time. The developing of unions and technology facilitated the need for expansion of human resources as a human resource personnel dealt with communication and negotiation with labor and the organization (Kaizenlog, 2006).The process of incorporating personnel and programs for the protection of employee and reduce the possibility of lawsuits for the organization.

The progression of human resources leaped after World War II with the influence of baby boomers and their ideals of equality and self-actualization resulting in behavioral oriented management philosophies (Nayab & Wistrom, 2011). The philosophy of behavior-oriented programs expanded into benefit programs including vacations, pay structures, retirement packages, training and development and motivation tactics such as pay for performance (Nayab & Wistrom, 2011).Organizations understanding that employees are a valuable resource and in certain situations costly to replace, with the advice and help of human resources retain with enhancing the employee work environment and benefits without interfering with the profitability of the organization. Development of human resources and organizations in the global environment utilizes the behavior-oriented programs and introducing organizational strategy, diversity, international relations and technology.

Technology and globalization has had a significant impact on human resources with conducting business in other countries and through electronic communication and the use of the Internet (Zeidner, 2008). Technology has enabled organizations to bring together employees from other countries to a meeting or collaborate on a project. It also has created systems for recruiting, oversight of legal compliance, benefit and payroll administration along with protecting organization and employee information (Zeidner, 2008).Technology is useful for recruiting and training of employees that is cost effective with computers and the Internet (Zeidner, 2008). Computers are used for on boarding and training alleviates the need for personnel to conduct these tasks, thus freeing up wages for additional programs or incentives. The use of technology also allows human resource personnel to develop programs and manage time necessary for enhancing the organization’s success.

Enhancement or changes in human resources are a continuing part as technology; organizations and workforce continue to develop and evolve.Human resources have to improve with the continued changes with employee relations and organizational culture. Human resources should facilitate a culture of collaboration and participation between the organization and employee. Programs developed and implemented would include participation in decision-making, project development and relationship building programs. These programs would develop innovative thinking, employee morale and increase productivity within the organization.

The continued developments of human resources are directly linked to both developing and facilitating programs that enhance the employer and employee relationship. The globalization contributes to the development of programs that expand and enhance the responsibilities of human resources. Technology is an important tool for the organization and human resources in conducting necessary programs for the success of the organization. The continued innovations of technology in manufacturing, communication, and within the work environment will enable human resources, the organization and employees added knowledge and success.