Phones cause cancer radiation. Cell phone radiation. Cell phone dielectric heating can cause harm to everyone.

According to Arun Prabhu,“ The principle of dielectric heating makes it possible to heat objects from inside out. This makes any heat produced inside the body harder to get rid of due to the fat layer underneath the skin. The first body part that gets exposed to is the ear. ” This proves that cell phones could cause a lot of damage to our bodies. Cell phone radiation causes harm to humans.

According to Arun Prabhu, “Dielectric heating is a way of electromagnetic heating, a principle used to heat food in microwaves. The microwaves cause a dipole moment between two polar molecules, thus heating them as they vibrate. It is the same effect that cell phone radiation causes to humans when we talk on the phone. ” This proves that cell phone radiation can cause harm to humans by dielectric heating.

Cell phones causing harm to others. Cell phone radiation can lead to cancer.According to Randall Stross, “ Over all, there has not been a general increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the overage masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population.

‘ Most cancers have multiple causes,’ she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests mechanisms by which low-energy radiation could damage cells in ways that could possibly lead to cancer. ” This proves that cell phone radiation can possibly damage cells inside your.