Cell phones have become a part of every day life and a major part in society. The number of children and teenagers who own a cell phone has increased dramatically, as well as the functions of the phone. Now, one can send pictures, record videos, access the internet, and use different applications and social networking sites. This attracts teenagers and now they have become addicted to constantly using their phones. So should they be allowed to take them to school? A cell phone can cause many distractions during class and can interfere with a teacher’s lesson and a student’s education. It can also be used for cheating as well as many other non-educational purposes.

They have caused many social problems for teenagers. Cell phones should be restricted in a school setting to promote a better education and overall environment for students.One of the main reasons why cell phones should not be allowed in school is because it is easily a major distraction for students and teachers. The rules that teachers enforce about cell phones are not strict enough and the phones still interfere with class. There is always an instance where someone forgets to turn off their phone and the whole class is interrupted by it going off. The teacher is sidetracked with her lesson and the other students are turning their heads to see whose phone it was.

Also, the whole class, students will be thinking about what messages they have or what is new on their feed. Most of the time they will not even be paying attention to what the teacher is saying or they will sneak it in their lap when the teacher is turned around. Cell phones decrease the concentration of students and they would be much more efficient without them. The focus of the school day and in every class for students should be about learning and giving their undivided attention.Students use cell phones in school as a form of cheating and for other non-educational purposes.

Teenagers have advanced their electronic cheating strategies and cell phones create a temptation to cheat. During a test, some will hide their phones and look up the answers or text a friend. Instead of trying to attempt the problem or question they will instantly resort to their phones for the answer. Other applications on the phone such as pictures or notes will contain the answers to a quiz or test.

The other non-educational purposes that students use their cell phones for are playing games or texting their friends. Cell phones are also an easy way to pass information through the student body during the school day. Cyber-bullying can increase with cell phone usage, so preventing students from being on their phones during school hours will decrease the risk of cyber-bullying.School is a place where one can acquire not only knowledge, but also other important skills. These skills include socialization and communication. For instance, students will be on their phones during lunch hours instead of engaging and listening to their friends.

Also, in the hallways, students are looking down at their phones and not enjoying the walk to their next classroom or talking to a friend. If someone is texting the whole time in class, they are decreasing their social skills, which are important in life for jobs and making friends.Some may say that a cell phone should be allowed in school for emergencies and contacting parents. However, if it is a true emergency the office will be contacted and will notify the student.

Better communication is provided through the office in case of an emergency. This way there will be no other distractions except for the student being involved. One of the most efficient ways to remove phones from school is to have a “no tolerance” cell phone policy that is enforced by the school district to keep the phones at home. If a phone is visible during school hours, there will be a punishment and the phone will be confiscated. Also, there can be a place to put it in the office in the morning for students involved in extra-curricular activities.As one can see, cell phones should not be permitted in a school setting.

They easily cause distractions, can be used for cheating and other non-educational purposes, and cause social problems. Students should not want to bring their phones to school to focus on their educational and other skills. By enforcing a “no tolerance” cell phone policy at school, a student will learn discipline and keep the device out of sight. This policy will make a better socially academic student who is free from distraction.