1. Which of the functional HR processing can be identified in Tony’s area?Tony has been doing “training and development programs” by sending Joe and Eric to a supervisor’s school for work scheduling, job team assignments, and project management. We also find the “motivation function” in Tony’s area where he function as a compensation and benefit manager, as we know compensations and benefits motivate employees to do better in their jobs. He also arranged picnics for the employees to talk about their work, work conditions and issues that would likely result to a build up of rapport among each other and also for the purpose of knowing various issues from the employees. Tony is also making a move to maintain employees by doing the “maintenance function” as a human resource director by imposing communication programs, like the employee bulletin to ensure that employees are well informed and that their voices are heard.2.

Identify the environmental influences important to TEAM FUN!Strategic environment is important for TEAM FUN! because this environment promotes a structured, rigorous, participative, open and transparent environment, and continuous improvement for employees. Management thought is also important in a way that the management is imposing improvement programs for the employees to become more knowledgeable about their jobs and become more competitive.3. How do its HR functional areas line up with the overall HR process?HR as seen by its primary administrative role contributed so much in the improvement of the organization by doing functions such as staffing, employment and recruitment, training and development and employee compensation and benefits. Through this all HR has been of very much value in organizations, it evolved from just doing record-keeping, payrolls, and recruitment to holding much bigger responsibilities such as employee management and leadership development activities which improves and increase employee’s performance.

Management is simply managing men, because men will take care of all the other factors important and needed in organizations. Good HR management make huge difference in an organization.4. Which motivation theorists has Tony applied to TEAM FUN!?Tony applied Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory or the two-factor theory which includes motivational (challenging work, recognition, responsibility) and hygiene (status, job security, salary, benefits, work conditions) factors.

The insurance and retirement plans are examples of an extrinsic motivation, which causes employees to do something for money, or other external or observable rewards. The arranged picnics are intrinsic motivation because employees do not just participate for tangible rewards but for enjoyment.Tony also applied Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is a pyramid basically composed of basic needs at the bottom. In Maslow’s pyramid, retirement and insurance benefits of employees belongs to economic security needs, the arranged picnics were intended for belongingness and love needs, and the training and development programs were for self-fulfilment needs.

5. Does Tony need to do anything else to set up a strategic HR function?Tony can design a reward system according to performance, wherein employees are given incentives, maybe in the form of money, things or promotion, which is rewarding for the effort exerted by the employee to their jobs, this system greatly influences productivity among employees. He can also develop and implement concrete policies and rules that will guide and direct employees.