Cell Phones: Many American youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere . Should cell phones be allowed at school ? Many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting while many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. Write a persuasive essay explaining your position on the issue. Although not everybody would agree, but I think that cell phones should not be allowed to bring to school.

I have several reasons for this point of view: first, it will cause a distraction, second, it can be used for cheating and third, it can be used for cyber bullying.To begin with, students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school therefore it will cause a distraction in class for teachers as well as the students. If a phone rings in a classroom, it grabs everyone’s attention on the phone and not on the teacher neither the lesson. Students are so sill that that they react like they never heard a phone ring before.

It becomes a competition for each and every student to find out whose phone it actually was. In particular, a couple days ago during my science class a phone rang from the closet.While we were taking notes on chemistry my teacher asked a question to one of the student about the states of matter. However, he was speechless. He had nothing to say but looking through the spaces.

He was too busy figuring out whose phone was ringing that took his concentration away from the lesson. He was as curios as a monkey. By that the teacher loses his/her concentration from what they were teaching and the students loses their attention from the lesson. This was my first explanation on why students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school.Moving forward, students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school thus it can be used for cheating during tests. Cell phones aren’t usually that big so it gives the students a great opportunity to cheat.

Most of the time during a test, students go to different websites to look for answers . Since they get free Wi-Fi in classrooms; it even becomes easier for them to cheat. In addition to that students can also trade answers with other students in class through Facebook, sms, kik, message and other social apps. Nowadays, cell phones have become one of the most useful source in America.In other words, a month earlier, I was looking through some photographs in my library class . The pictures were about students who cheats on class works, tests, quizzes and homework and can even go to Gail for plagiarism.

On the other hand, today’s students take this as a joke. They don’t realize how it affects their grades. You can cheat a lot in life but one day there will be nothing to cheat from or anyone to get the answers from. In spite of this it is not always mandatory for someone to depend on a source more than themselves.This was another reason to explain why students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school. Pursuing this further, students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school because it can be used for cyber bullying.

Students bully other students in hallways, bathrooms, classrooms and playgrounds but cyber bullying is when you bully someone throughout emailing. Eventually, a couple of weeks ago I read an article on Cyber bullying. It was about a girl who was only 13 and tried to suicide as a result of being cyber bullied.She was cyber bullied by a boy who was in the same class as she was. One day during the class time she heard her phone vibrate .

She looked on her phone and saw an email that just came. She opened the email and read:”Hey,you know that no one likes you in this entire class including myself. Before,you came to this school we were all doing fine in this class but after you came to this school and in this class you’ve made our life even harder. No one will ever like you. “The girl became so depressed and upset on herself that she tried to kill herself.

She lost all her sympathy in life. If cell phones weren’t allowed in schools then all this wouldn’t have happened. This was my last reason to have an explanation on why students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school. A counter argument is many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting consequently creates a huge interruption in classrooms. Also it affects the students’ grades.

On the other hand my opponents say that many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. However, I totally disagree with my opponent’s view point.In my opinion if it’s really an emergency then students could ask a teacher for their phone to call their house or they can even go to the main office and make a phone call. Additionally, many people believe that students can bring their phones to school but they should turn it off during class time. Yet, I also disagree with this point of view. In reality; things don’t go the way you think it will go or you expect it to go.

If a person have a cell phone and they are not to turn it on during class time, they still will turn it on.They just won’t be able to keep themselves away from their phone. They can’t control their selves from using it. Students might think it’s cool to have a phone in school instead it’s a complete distraction for everyone. To summarize, I am confident that I’ve shown why students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school therefore I started before first, it will cause a distraction, second, it can be used for cheating and third, it can be used for cyber bullying. I hope I have convinced you with my reasons, examples and details.