Service Request Service Request University of Phoenix BSA/375 Riordan Manufacturing’s Application Architecture and Process Design:- Riordan has designed an application using the systems development life cycle. By using this cycle the process will follow several different stages that gather design requirements, testing, and other valuable information. I have created a design process diagram that will break down the roles and requirements for the operations of Riordan. The Process and design identifies the processes and the roles that are involved.Processes represent the operations performed by the system. Entities represent all the information sources of the system.

We represent the entities and the processes in the data flow diagrams, DFD. While designing the DFD’s we increase the level of detail with each level. At each level the process divides into sub-processes until indivisible sub-processes are reached. Here is an example.

Data Diagram Flow 1: The information system comprises for Riordan Manufacturing is comprised of: • Customers • Employees • Manager CustomersCustomers are the people that purchase items sold by Riordan and will give their orders to a Riordan employee or manager to fulfil. Employees The employees work for Riordan in many roles like servicing, manufacturing and selling products. The employees will play a large role in this design. Manager Manager positions have to deal with many more issues for Riordan. Some of the responsibilities of a manager include making sure productivity is at its best with all employees and making sure the company is being as profitable as possible with sales and customer satisfaction.

[pic]Production: Sales and finance are critical to the production of Riordan. HR needs to be able to communicate and support information that Sales and Finance needs. Sales: The sales team has a direct correlation with the customer and managers. When the customer decides to place a purchase, the sales team is involved and makes the correct steps to facilitate them and the manager is in charge of following through on orders.

Finance: The finance department process is directly correlated to the Sales and management teams as they directly affect the Finance department at Riordan Inc.All facets of employees and customers rely on the finance department to take cheques from customers and write cheques to their employees. Like the above diagram, these different entities play a large role in the flow of everyday work. The below flow chart delivers an outlook on what the entities role play is in the process of the their work and daily flow.

Flow Chart: [pic] Security Tools and Data systems: While setting up a security system that can handle the design for this project at Riordan, I found a security software called Websense.Websense has the tools and security that will exceed expectations of Riordan. Websense requires can run off a 32 bit and 64 bit system. It is both Mac and Windows capable and can be accessed anywhere. The Websense Triton package will secure data, web, and email coming and going for Riordan. One great thing regarding Websense is Riordan can protect their Data and Web from all their sites.

This is a great fit for Riordan because HR is looking to improve security while also giving their customers and employees more access to the information they need.I would also suggest running Websense on a Citrix server to be most compatible with all products offered by Websense. The reason being, if Riordan ever decides to upgrade to a better product they will not have to worry about compatibility issues. Websense is also compatible with all major database systems like Oracle, Microsoft, ect.

REFERENCES :- 1. Valacich, Joseph and Jeffrey, Hoffer (2009) Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, 4nd edition. 2. www. websense. com from January 20, 2012 3.

Amyot, Daniel; Williams, Alan W. ( 2005) System Analysis and Modeling, 4th edition, Springer publications.