Five of the most influential events and developments in American history from 1600 to 1877 include the introduction of slave trade, the American Revolution, the Great Awakening, the contributions of the Marshall Court and the War of 1812.

One of the important events in the American history was the introduction of slaves during the 1600s. The first African slaves, initially brought as servants, arrived in Jamestown in 1619. In 1670, the House of Burgesses declared that non-Christian servants were considered slaves as long as they live.More slaves were brought into the country as time progressed leading to various incidents of maltreatment and injustices to colored people which led to a class rebellion known as Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 (Davis).

Apart from the occurrence of racism, slave trade in the United States also spawned many future developments. It was an integral part in the growth and rise of the American economy. It also paved the way for the evolution of the United States to a multicultural nation that it is now.Without the introduction of the slave trade in the 1600s the current societal makeup of the United States today which is largely composed of white and black Americans particularly in some states might have been nonexistent. The portrait of some social sectors such as music and sports would have been very different since these are now dominated by African-Americans today.

During the 1700s, the American Revolution was raging with George Washington leading the colonial army and the Second Continental Congress declaring independence on July 2, 1776.After a bloody confrontation from the young American nation against the British motherland, the Treaty of Paris was reached in 1783. With this treaty, Britain finally recognized the independence of the United States of America with specific territorial boundaries (Feldmeth “American Revoultion”). Undoubtedly, this is one of the most significant parts of American history.

Without it, the US would have remained under British rule. Moreover, if this revolution occurred at a different time and circumstances, the territories and other properties of the United States would have been very different now.Also, developments would have been different at the end of the revolution. Instead of Britain granting full independence, it could have opted for concession with France and the Spain regarding the authority over the United States. This would only mean two consequences: one is a protracted war with either France or Spain for America’s independence or a complete authority of either of the two up to the present.

The Great Awakening (1800s) is such a significant part of the American History.This constituted a democratic religious movement that swept through the states. Many religious leaders or preachers became known and stressed freedom and fervor in the expression of one’s religion. Moreover, colleges and schools of thought were established alongside the prominence of a variety of religious divisions (Feldmeth “ America’s Great Awakening”).

This development is indeed enlightenment through educational advancement through colleges and universities and through deeper understanding and expression of religious beliefs.Without the Great Awakening, institutions such as Princeton, Brown and Rutgers and religious groups such as Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists which are all harbinger of knowledge would not have been around today. This period not only shaped America’s intellect but also its spiritual growth and diversification. In addition, without this part present-day United States would not have been more tolerant or respectful of others’ beliefs and choices regarding religion.

Another important part of the United States history is the contribution of Chief Justice John Marshall or the Marshall Court (1801-1835) which was characterized by the transformation towards a federalist government. Through his initiative, the powers and authority of the national government were increased. Consequently, the powers and authority of the states were diminished. This led to the establishment of the federalist principle of centralization.In addition, through these changes, the rights of individuals for property were made protected from government manipulations which directly influenced the status of private companies and institutions (Feldmeth “The Legacy of the Marshall Court”).

One very important contribution of this period is the current status of the American government today which has a very strong federal government. Another is protection of the rights of every citizen. An indirect consequence is the freedom of private enterprises in the country.Without interference from the government, private individuals and companies are able to own and develop properties. This led to the flourishing of businesses and private companies which greatly contributed to the current economic might of the United States.

Without these developments, a stable national government and healthy private enterprises are hard to imagine. The War of 1812 opened doors for a myriad of developments in the United States history.It sparked a bloody fight as France left the United States alone to fight the British. Numerous land and naval battles conferred considerable damages to the United States and Britain which ended in 1814 with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent (Horsman). This war is very symbolic for the United States as its stand against its former colonizer.

It did not only signified an independent America but an America ready to take its role in the international stage a stance more apparent in recent years than ever before.It symbolized the country’s first steps towards taking responsibility of matters of economic and strategic importance as it reared its power and influence over older nations. It was in a way an introduction for what the United States has become today: a country of significant influence and complex relations with various states around the world. Without this part of American history, the country would have been less assertive of its potential and influence over other developed countries at that time and in our time now.