The waterfall model (a) has sometimes produced good results when applied properly and supported by odder technologies (b) is so old fashioned that no one should pay any attention to it (c) is hard to understand (d) does not require consulting the customer See section 1 . 1, page 6 in the textbook. 3. Which of the following statements are true of the 80/20 rule? L.

"Badly behaved" modules usually make up about 20 percent of the total code but make up 80 percent of the scrap and rework cost.II. 20 percent of the people accomplish 80 percent of the progress. Ill. 20 percent of requirements account for 80 percent of engineering effort. (a) l, II, and Ill (b) Ill only (c) II and Ill only (d) I only text, section 1.

2, page 20 4. (a) created stakeholder suspicion and distrust (b) was very cost effective (c) incorporated reviews to make stakeholders feel secure (d) made project managers look successful at the end of a project See section 1. 1. , page 15 in the textbook. 5. The success rate for software projects is very low because (a) software development is often a tedious and time-consuming endeavor (b) software development relies on antiquated processes c) technology improvements are not used (d) project management has more to do with project success than do programmers See chapter 1, page 5 in the textbook.

Go to top of assessment. Total score: 100. 00 O Copyright 2008 Carnegie, Inc. All rights reserved.Koehler mambo (a) focuses on documents and review meetings (b) surfaces risk early (c) allows you to correct early errors with insights gained later on (d) discourages functional decomposition See section 1.

1. 2, page 11 in the textbook. You can tell when a software process is immature when a) no one likes the process (b) scrap and rework rates are high (c) a project is more than 10 percent over budget and misses its target date (d) the process takes more time than coding 0. 0 (c) project management has more to do with project success than do programmers (d) technology improvements are not used (a) incorporated reviews to make stakeholders feel secure (b) made project managers look successful at the end of a project (c) created stakeholder suspicion and distrust (d) was very cost effective Software development is unpredictable because.