Your Name: ___________________ Personality, Dr. Brian Burke PURPOSE IN LIFE TEST (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964) Instructions: Write the number (1 to 5) next to each statement that is most true for you right now. Items 1. I am usually: Rate each item from 1 to 5 bored enthusiastic 1---------2---------3--------4---------5 2. Life to me seems: 3.

In life I have: 4. My personal existence is: 5. Every day is: 6. If I could choose, I would: 7.

After retiring, I would: 8.In achieving life goals I’ve: 9. My life is: 10. If I should die today, I’d feel that my life has been: 11. In thinking of my life, I: 12. As I view the world in relation to my life, the world: 13.

I am a: 14. Concerning freedom to choose, I believe humans are: 15. With regard to death, I am: 16. Regarding suicide, I have: 17. I regard my ability to find a a purpose or mission in life as: 18.

My life is: 19. Facing my daily tasks is: 20.I have discovered: completely routine; no goals or aims; utterly meaningless, without purpose; exactly the same; prefer never to have been born; loaf completely the rest of my life; made no progress whatever; empty, filled only with despair; completely worthless; often wonder why I exist; completely confuses me; very irresponsible person; completely bound by limitations of heredity and environment; unprepared and frightened; thought of it seriously as a way out; practically none; out of my hands and controlled by external factors; a painful and boring experience; no mission or purpose in life; always exciting. lear goals and aims.

purposeful and meaningful. constantly new and different. want 9 more lives just like this one. do some of the exciting things I've always wanted to. progressed to complete fulfillment.

running over with exciting things. very worthwhile. Always see reasons for being here. fits meaningfully with my life. very responsible person.

totally free to make all life choices. prepared and unafraid. never given it a second thought. ery great.

in my hands and I’m in control of it. a source of pleasure & satisfaction. a satisfying life purpose. SCORING: Add up all the numbers you wrote down (20-100).

A score of less than 50 may indicate that you are experiencing an “existential void,” a lack of meaning or purpose in your life right now… On a scale of 0-10, how happy did you feel when you got the results of exam #1 back? (Circle one) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10