Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia is unique because it has diversity of races, cultures and religions. Although it has diverse races, they manage to live in idyllic and harmony way to avoid the happening of quarrel or fighting and to make their relationship far more harmonious between each other. Malaysia is a place that is safe because there is no disaster in this country because Malaysia is outside the Pacific Ring of Fire except flood is the disaster that often happens.Some people that their countries have war such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and the other would live here to take shelter to avoid from being killed by their people.

Malaysia has many interesting places that attract many tourists to come here such as Genting Highland, Cameron Highland, and the other places. Cameron Highland is a place which is chilly and appropriate to plant teas whenever Genting Highland has transportation called as Genting Skyway. Beside that, Genting Highland known as ‘Fun City Above the Cloud’, Genting Highlands is the only legal land-based casino, Casino de Genting.Malaysia also has many traditional foods that are delicious such as Satay, Nasi Lemak and the other. The traditional food that is famous the most in Malaysia is Banana Leaf. Furthermore,Malaysia has many festivals such as Gawai Day, Harvest Day and the other day.

Malaysia also has athletes that bring glories to their country and successfully to achieve their goal and shine their name such as Nicol Ann David, Lee Chong Wei and the other. Nicol Ann David was a ranking No. 1 squash player all around the world. Lee Chong Wei was a ranking No.

badminton player in the world, these two player obtained a lot of trophies, medals and cashs as they won a lot of tournaments, quarter-finals and the other. These two players been adored by a lot of people and receive respect from people all around the world. Finally, Malaysia is a fast developing country as the polishment in technology, agricultural, industrial and the other. We should be grateful to live in a country that is wonderful such as Malaysia.

We cannot forget Malaysia as it brings a lot of benefits and change our life into better way.