Have you ever wondered if our life without mobile phone,how would you live? Because in globalization,mobile phone is no longer only a gadget used for communication but It also become indispensable appliance as a fifth factor In our life-We cannot refuse that mobile phone play an Important role for living of human In every career undoubtedly, Nowadays,mobile phone which Is the thing Iike part of our bodies has more versatile function than In the past developed by technological breakthrough such as a music player,a calculator,or a program that reach to close elationship like social network-As a conseqence,if our life without mobile phone,we effect on inconvenient communication,lacking entertainment,and loneliness.Basically,life without mobile phone directly impact on communication. Although we can use letters or telegram to connect with other people,but in scientific age,communicating with letters or telegram aren't the best way to contact with other people because mobile phone is a gadget which more convenient to communicate one another include dealing a business,or transacting a cash rapidly seeing that mobile phone can connect each part of the world together. Thus mobile phone can make more convenient communication for clvlllzlng people. our life without mobile phone,lt would make many obstacles about communication for human-being In the whole world. Secondly,at the present time mobile phone is not merely a normal gadget used for communication,but it also used for increase entertainment when we have many tensions.

It can give a recreation for us from a music player,a movie on the internet like youtube,and some social networks that we can chat with other people around the world like facebook,twitter,instagram,or facetime. As a result if our life without mobile hone,it might be happened Psychologenic Depression that is a disease mean boredom visit you. f psychological symtom,when you feel alone or nobody beside you;for example,many nostalgic students living In a big city to study In the university cannot deny that mobile phone has unavoidable necessar for them to contact with beloved parents or their old gadget has many applications especially store of games which you can play for increase your relaxation,a music player that can depart you from tension,and the way to lead you to access to the new world such as social network.Accordingly,mobile phone is able to epart you from loneliness,and become an indispensable gadget which cannot deny using it in the world today. To summarize,for the following three aspects,mobile phone contribute many benefit to civilizing mankind in term of communication,entertainment,and getting rid of loneliness.

And how about you? How is mobile phone important for you? Life Without Mobile Phone By OongNattawat1 communication but it also become indispensable appliance as a fifth factor in our life. We cannot refuse that mobile phone play an important role for living of human in every career undoubtedly. Nowadays,mobile phone which is the thing like part of our bodies has more versatile function than in the past developed by technological relationship like social network.