1. Why did the absence of accurate job information create a problem?The absence of accurate job information created a problem because there was no written job description and job specification. Also, the HR Director was supposed to mention during the interview that Virginia is expected to be a relief receptionist not just an hour a day, but also if the receptionist will be sick or unable to work. Virginia could have refused that job from the beginning.

In that case the job description was verbal and had nothing to do with the tasks that were to be performed.Virginia was hired to work as a HR assistant, but later she was asked to work as a relief receptionist. She felt that the new tasks she was asked to perform were below her qualification and they were not related to the HR position she applied for. I think that Virginia felt that her job was not significant or meaningful. This resulted in lack of satisfaction on Virginia's part.P.

S. Unwritten job description led to confusion employee, miscommunication, loosing the employees.2. To prevent future problems, what content should be in a job description for the HR assistant.In large organizations, HR assistance might have specific duties, but in smaller organizations they could have a number of administrative tasks. The job description should contain all the duties and responsibilities, which a HR assistant should perform at the workplace.

To prevent future problems, the job description for Human Resource assistance needs to contain the following information:Develop recruitment strategies to meet current and anticipated staffing needs Employees training Explain company personnel policies, benefits, and procedures to employees or job applicants. Inform job applicants of their acceptance or rejection of employment. Interview job applicants to obtain and verify information used to screen and evaluate them. Answer questions regarding examinations, eligibility, salaries, benefits, and other pertinent information.

Help managers evaluate every employees performance for appraisals and salary reviews Make arrangements like booking tickets and hotel reservations if the HR team needs to travel.All of these should be included in the HR assistance job description. After reading the job specification the candidate will know their responsibilities and duties on the workplace. Then they may decide to accept the position or not.