The current research intends to assess the association between HRM practices to job satisfaction within a Pakistani enterprise. An organisation's treatment of employees through HRM practices influences an employee's interpretation of organisational motives. In turn, such interpretation influences his overall job satisfaction. Thus, HRM practices may be viewed as a means of linking or making a meaningful positive association between employees and the enterprise. The current study will contribute to limited literature in Pakistan on the role of HRM practices.

Part of the employee expectations of Texile Mills toward the enterprise is training and implicitly, better management of those who work in the organisation. As an outcome of increased job satisfaction, employees perform behaviours that are not even part of their formal actions or job assignments. If the employees of Textile Mills perceive that the organisation supports them through effective HRM practises, then one can be assured that they can partake in the overall efficiency of the enterprise’s operations (Yukl 1998).Theoretical Underpinnings HRM is engaged with the development of organisational policies and procedures for attraction, development, assessment, and retention of staff (Schneider, 1994) concretely effected through a keen focus on employees' welfare, labor relations, and maintenance of equity (Dessler, 2005). HRM is a management process that is engaged in the productive use of people in attaining the long-term goals of the enterprise and satisfying individual employee needs (Stone 2002).

The consequences of these best practises include enterprise performance, in-role behaviour and organisational commitment (Becker ; Gerhart 1996).Having described HRM practises, it is worthwhile to similarly expound on job satisfaction as another construct of interest in the research. Job satisfaction is a gratifying feeling that has resulted from the value of a person’s work. Previous studies have shown that HRM practices are positively related to job satisfaction (Bradley et al. 2004).

For example, employees who work in organisations that offer training to develop skills are more likely to report that they are satisfied. Moreover, employees are more satisfied when they perceive that organization provides them full support (Bradley et al. 004).Furthermore, HRM practices that could help employees adjust and find good fit with the firm also contributes to job satisfaction (Stevens, Oddou, Furuya, Norihito, Bird ; Mendenhall 2006). For example, firms that provide job descriptions that are specific makes the employees adapt easily to their tasks (Stevens et al 2006).

Even though job satisfaction is a highly personal experience, there are a number of facets that seem to contribute the most to feelings of job satisfaction.For intance, Steijn (2002) stated that mentally challenging work, adequate compensation pay, career opportunity, the ready availability of promotions, people that are friendly, considerate, or good-natured superiors contribute to job satisfaction (Johns ; Saks, 2000). In addition, the ready availability of promotions is positively related to job satisfaction. The promotion given enhances the perception of the employees that they are valued enough by the organization (Garrido, Perez, ; Anton, 2005).

What are the antecedents of job satisfaction?These are explicitly explained in the following section. Antecedents of Job Satisfaction Previous studies have shown that compensation, opportunity for advancement, psychological climate, and leadership style (Testa 1999) are antecedents of job satisfaction. Compensation. The total monetary value an employee receives.

Prior studies have suggested that compensation is related to job satisfaction. When performance-related pay is in place, satisfaction is higher. Employees perceive that certain levels of performance are equal to specific amounts of compensation that satisfies them (Bradley et al. 004).Opportunity. The total gathering of economic, sociological, psychological, educational, physical, and chance factors that combine to shape one’s career.

Past research has indicated that opportunities for advancement are significantly related to job satisfaction. For example, opportunities fulfill employees’ expectations of promotion in their work life. It opens the possibility for career growth which makes them satisfied (Ting 1997). Psychological climate.

An individual's interpretation of the environment in a way that is psychologically meaningful (Zhdanova 2005).Recent research on psychological climate supports that satisfaction with organisational vision may affect overall job satisfaction (Ellickson 2002). For example, an organisation that offers working conditions that employees value would lead to higher job satisfaction. The employee’s and organization’s values should be aligned for the employee to have a positive perception towards his/her working environment which is likely to results to job satisfaction (James & James 1992).Leadership style. Leadership style refers to the influence exerted by a superior to the individual/group toward the achievement of goals (Robbins 2005).

Hinkin and Tracey (1994) found that transformational leadership has an impact on job satisfaction. Charismatic leaders get their effects by clearly stating an inspiring goal which clarifies a mission for followers and communicates values that have significance for them. Furthermore, individuals working under a charismatic leader had higher job satisfaction (Testa, 1999).