I watched the short film on the "Examined Life". It was a documentary film done in 2008 directed by Astra Taylor.
The documentary features eight significant modern philosophers walking around dfferent cities. They discuss the everyday claim of their ideas In todays culture. The documentary offers Isolated moments with great philosophers from areas extending from moral philosophy to cultural theory. "Examined Life," exposes philosophy's influence to change the way we look at the orld in and around us and envision our place in it.In this instant, the philosopher in question is SlovoJ Zizek.
He describes that ideology is the way we identify reality, but he also claims that ideology is "mystified. " Zizek also points out the increasing issue of the environment, and the people who are aware of it, but have done zero to help. Zlzek states in the video that the most basic fundamental Ideology mechanism is the "temptation of meaning, when something horrible happens our natural tendencies to search for a meaning must mean something. Zizek highlights "temptation of meaning" when he points out a contradiction.The concern or nervousness that Zizek discusses seems more to be more about the loss of a certain perception of nature and not the loss of nature itself.
He says In the documentary that we need to "cut off our roots In nature". He thinks this because, the catastrophes that he warns about are all human caused natural catastrophes and not the damaging ability of nature itself. Furthermore, while Zizek criticizes ecology of fear he lso connects a view of nature in which is asserted to viewing nature as sacred and so forth.He claims that whenever we come up on disputes that are a too big for us to solve alone, we assume it is overwhelming to solve.
Then people regularly try to find a quick solution of their problems of which they cannot fix. People tend to "interpret a catastrophe as punishment," (Zlzek) which means It makes the person feel stress- free. That person would feel that god punish them rather than for the person to feel ike it just happened, as Zizek points out that this is the "universe of meaning.Zizek's thinks that if people alienate themselves from nature even more, they can create their entire environment, and then catastrophes in nature will not really matter. Our repudiation will be right. We need to learn to love our world, we need to take in its deficiencies and its unthinkable catastrophes, and learn to find magnificence In this world of waste, In the textbook, It says that, "In 1836, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a long essay entitled "Nature".
What he said still has the power to move those of us who have ever stood on a mountain and gazed in awe at the surroundings" (ABH 476). In my opinion, the contrast is that nature was its own beauty. There is a lot more of beautiful nature that humans have not have had any effects on, than what Zizek shows In the documentary. To conclude, it seems that SlavoJ Zlzek is a realist and environmentalist. Personally, I do like how he theorizes love.
When you love something or someone, you do not idealize. Love is acceptance. You accept what you love for all of its faults.It might be good Judgment to learn from our mistakes, but if we look deeper at what Zizek is trying to deliver; we must consent to whom we are and begin to take action in order to find a resolution for our difficulties. Problems on a large scale cannot be fixed rapidly, but we can slowly fix our existing problems we have today.
Anything that is secondary to nature, which is something that is created by something that was created by nature, has no place in the original system, or function in the original system that spawns life. Take a bird and bird nest for example.The bird takes some from sticks from the forest to create a nest. This purpose of this nest serves no purpose in the original system; it only goes to serve the bird.
Once the bird is done with the nest, the next breaks down and it goes back into the original system. We have this in common. Imagine if the bird and other birds start to breed, they start populating more so, creating more nests, requiring more from nature. Until eventually, they have shaped their direct area of nature, and now must bring stuff into their area in order to keep it going. This is one heck of a phenomenon.