In the movie, Cracking the Genetic Code, we learn that people can discover their likeliness for illnesses, diseases, cancer, and more. In this age scientists are discovering so many new things from a single strand of DNA. Finding out that you are missing a nucleic acid in your genes, or finding out you have an extra codon can change your life forever. Everyone has an opinion on keeping genes a secret or letting them out to the public, this essay will show the consequences of getting your genomes tested.

Some advantages of getting your genomes tested are, one might take steps into lowering their risk of certain diseases, diseases like Type 1 Diabetes. One person may find out that he/she has a high risk of cancer and and can get themselves screened in order to catch the cancer early. Medicines can be created in order to counter the effects of certain problems caused by genetic mutations.

Some disadvantages of getting your genomes tested are, if one discovers that they have a disease that will kill them at a young age, it will demoralize them and depressed for the remainder of the short lives. Since your genes are out to the public, one may be turned down for jobs, or insurance because the company may think that you are a liability to be cared for. One may not be able to find a partner due to bad genetics.

Imagine a world where people design their own future children, kids could be designed to have advantages over the common people. One may be highly intelligent, immune to diseases, or even physically dominant. This future world is possible because genes would be able to be mixed together, creating these superhuman figures. This is why genome mapping has more dangerous consequences than helpful consequences

In conclusion, the mapping of the genome has far more harmful consequences than helpful ones. Yes the mapping of genomes has some benefits, but it is outweighed by the dangerous consequences. Many people have different opinions on this issue, but one can only decide for themselves if they want their genomes mapped.