An explanation on how the HER professional can develop skills and behaviors to be an effective professional in their role, or achieve higher through self assessment. 1. 1 HER profession Map (HARM) The CUPID HER profession map is a tool to assist HER practitioners to asses what level they are working at.

The four bands of professional competence define the contribution that professionals make at every stage of the HER career, from band 1 at the start of an HER career to band 4 for the most senior leaders.The three transition path ways identify what professionals must do to progress from one band to another. There are ten professional areas set out In four bands of competence, setting out what you need to do (castles) and what you need to know (knowledge) There are eight behaviors that identify in detail how professionals need to carry out their activities and make a contribution to organizational success. 1.

Professional areas The 2 core professional areas are as follows: Insight, strategy and solutions Leading HER These sit at the heart of the profession and are applicable to all HER professionals, sugarless of role, location or stage of career, whether Inside organizations or working with them. The eight remaining professional areas are as follows: Service delivery and information Organization design Resounding and talent planning Learning and talent development Performance and reward Employee engagement Employee relations 1. 2. Strategies, insights and solutions This core area is about agreeing strategies ii alternative courses of action to deliver a solution that meets the business needs, taking into account the individual circumstances of the HER issues. 1. .

2 Leading and managing the HER function This core area helps the professional to develop across three main areas of leadership: Personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. This area enables practitioners to learn to be insight lead-leaders, owning, shaping and driving themselves, others and activity in the organization. . 3 Behaviors Curious An interest to find ways to learn about and suggest ways of taking actions and policy's forward 'e finding new clients or changing internal procedures. Decisive thinker Making sure to gather all relevant information.

Developing the ability to gather information and facts quickly, analyzing the alternative courses of action and acting accordingly. Skilled influencer To develop the knowledge of the business and build up skills to sell products and services to new clients and deliver excellent service to existing clients.Driven to deliver To use drive and determination to deliver constant and correct information to achieve results to satisfy. Collaborative solutions to business problems. Personally credible Improving knowledge professionally and understanding internal policies and reoccurred in order to become a competent HER practitioner needing little support and working independently. Courage to challenge Having the ability to question constructively and put forward alternative ways of handling issues.

Role model Developing the ability to carry out work in a way that shows knowledge, and expertise to handle tasks in a competent manor and to be able to impact on others. 2. 0 Service delivery and information - Band 1 Activity - The ability to deliver excellent customer care ensuring a strong customer arrive ethos is developed and maintained Knowledge - Developing the knowledge to effectively handle complaints and resolve to the best ability. . 1 The activities and knowledge most essential to my role: Resource and talent planning: Activity - To support the business in preparation of redundancies, or programs with severe action, keeping records and appropriate documentation in line with the law.

Knowledge - Policies and procedures during recruitment, resounding and exiting. Ensuring to use the correct procedures and in the correct legal way.