Tactical Solutions representing a growing Milk brand In the K, AAA Milk. AAA Milk offers an easy to digest milk alternative that is the only natural milk type in the category. Our challenge is to educate staff and customers in store about our brand and why they should choose our milk over Soya, Goats and Electorate options out there and the benefits we offer consumers such as being the only natural milk that BIBS sufferers can digest amongst others.My role Is to lead a Southern based field sales team to drive sales across the Tests and Morrison estate whilst ensuring hey have the right knowledge and tools in order to complete the task in hand. I need to complete accompaniments with each of the team members in the first part of my lob. Other roles within my remit are to manage our client(AAA) and the expectations they have from the team, highlight the challenges as well as the opportunities there are out in the field to ensure we can maximize our sales potential.
I also manage the account side of this and have to work to Ass's budget of spend for completing the required calls via my own field sales team as well as a sub team that can consist of p to 40 different members of staff. My final role within the process is to process sales reports in order to highlight sales progress around the country, a process that is very time consuming. AC 1. Have identified a team member who wishes to develop his skill set in order to drive his ambition of becoming a Regional Manager within the company so my first Job was to clarify what learning styles we both have so we can structure Simony's development and assist my ever growing workload. At first we completed a self assessment of ourselves to see where we felt our strengths and weaknesses were.
This showed that we both had strengths in setting standards and objectives, whilst also identifying that some of Simony's weaknesses were strengths of mine that we could Incorporate Into a Personal Development Plan.I made good use of the Honey & Uniform Learning styles questionnaire, which is based on the learning cycle of Kola. The outcome of this questionnaire shows that I have a Reflective approach, however I do also possess I high level of being an Activist and Pragmatist and this often leads me to actively searching for new and efficient ways of completing my Job without delegating this out. I do Like to reflect back on w;ark that I have completed and assessing the positives and opportunities that come from me actively trying new ideas that I brainstorm and put into practice.Simon also comes out as being a Reflector; however this also identified Simon as being a Theorist also, which my weakest quality in this test was, giving me an opportunity to share my Ideas and reflect on Simony's theory approach and develop these without the need for being so tried and tested approach to them and can assess the options before putting them in place. AC 1.
2 After identifying our learning styles, highlighted in AC 1 . We then conducted a simple SOOT analysis to see where could identify our development needs - Lee - Strengths Weaknesses Setting standards and setting objectives within Job description Giving constructive feedback Creative thinking and identifying other options Past history of coaching staff members into Management positions Strong communication skills - 1-2-1 Phone/Email Looking after yourself Delegating tasks out to other team members Opportunities Threats Coaching staff to complete additional tasks to assist development Challenge staff to push their own development, push for promotionWork load increasing to an unmanageable level No other team member can complete reports when I am on holiday Simon - Previous management experience High standard of work expected Not very familiar with the technological programmed used such as Excel and Powering Creative thinking Developing technological knowledge, familiarize self to Excel and Powering techniques Develop creative thinking by identifying other possible ways of working Not very technological, lots of training needed and Threats from both parties and from this we can identify potential barriers for both people and look at how these barriers can be overcome.AC 1. 3 By completing this SOOT analysis the potential barriers for myself in to delegate more tasks to Simon, however this will mean that I will need to give close support on how to improve Simony's skills using Excel and Powering in order to give him the necessary knowledge and tools in which for Simon to develop these and take the workload from me.In order to provide Simon the required level of knowledge an initial day of training will need to be undertaken between Simon and myself in order to overcome this and will then ensure that once Simon has the skill set needed to cake this on, develop this himself and allow Simon to get more creative with the responsibilities he can begin to undertake. Further training will be provided by ensuring Simon attends further training provided by Tactical Solutions to its managers on Excel and Powering.
By doing this it will assist me in becoming more of a delegated to Simon whilst using my strengths in coaching Simon and help him become competent in using technological programmed and becoming a more creative thinker to help evolve the reports he will be completing, ensuring these remain informative and relative to our objectives that are set by AAA. AC 1. As aforementioned in AC 1. We will complete a full day or active training where I can coach Simon simple techniques that will give him the required skill set whilst following this up on a four weekly basis in a one to one meeting where we can complete further SOOT analysis on Simony's learning and development and ensure Simon receives all the support needed to continue this development.We will also look to enroll Simon onto the next Excel and Powering courses provided by Tactical Solutions to ensure Simon continues to develop his knowledge and with this identifying different ways of creating reports and showcasing to AAA.
I will ensure this is discussed with my manager and have my coaching and delegation objectives are added to my Personal Development Plan and reviewed during our one to one's, with me showcasing how I have assisted Simony's learning and development, with Simon providing feedback to my manager prior to our reviews.AC 2. 1 As aforementioned in AC 1. 4 1 will ensure that a Personal Development Plan and enrolment to the specific training courses is in place for Simon to ensure clear objectives are set to ensure Simon receives the right amount of support in the learning and development of the areas highlighted, also making him accountable to intention this learning on his own and spark his creative thinking.My role will be highlighted in full to my manager and share Simony's PDP to ensure that I drive my side on this agreement and give the necessary support to Simon.
AC 2. 2 As aforementioned in AC 2. 1 Simon will be enrolled into the next training program to assist his development and will solidify his key learning from our one to one have covered during our training meetings, with a document summarizing what Simon has learnt and has this as a reference point anytime he feels he needs to refresh his knowledge.I will seek for a mentor from Senior Management in order to earn about their approach to working, training and development as well as how they delegate out to their peers, ensuring that the workload is evenly distributed throughout their team. This will assist in furthering my creative mind and find new and improved ways of working by gaining inspiration from them.
AC 2. 3 (Simony's Personal Development Plan attached separately) AC 2. 4 Following the implementation of Simony's PDP we will continue our one to one meetings in order to review what development has been achieved during the four week period.Simon will need to provide a log and show evidence of his development against all objectives we have outlined and update his PDP in accordance to our agreements and ensure that Simony's developments continue positively and we can always evolve his development, providing further skills and enhancing his knowledge across the entire channel and how it's run so he can run the channel in my absence and potentially achieve promotion should I continue my development and achieve the promotion that I will be working towards.I will follow the same procedures with my manager following my meetings with Simon, showcasing how Simon has developed and how I have assisted him in doing so.