Cadburys Schweppes is overall an environmentally friendly business but on the other hand, has it good customer services? I believe the answer to that question is yes. From my research I have found out that potential Cadburys employees are put on workshops and receive seminars from the top people. In all of these things they are taught to be the perfect employee and how to be friendly and courteous to others.

I thought I'd test out the Cadburys website to see any evidence of good customer service and I was pleased with what I saw.On the main menu bar was a tab named "Talk to us" and above that in smaller writing was "Contact us". The strange thing was that both of these links went to the same page. I believe they have done this to reach out to two types of people, - Those who like colour and in-formalness and those who like simple things and formality.

When the page was opened I found a list of ways to contact Cadbury Schweppes and they are as followed- We have two main offices; one located in the Midlands in Bournville, Birmingham, and one at Maple Cross in Hertfordshire.For directions to either of these sites please click on the following links. These are all the ways of contacting Cadbury in a fairly easy way. I believe that the customer services department of Cadburys is very effective.

I believe Cadburys uses these methods of customer service because each method is different and would reach out to different types of people. If there was just an email on the site to contact them, older people may not have an email so they would want a telephone number or an address. This is exactly what Cadbury have done; they have catered for all types of people.I believe they have put their head office address on the site for 'do something now' type of people.

If Cadburys didn't have any customer service at all it would lose customers by the minute because naturally, a business needs some kind of customer service. Of course if they have some customer service, it needs to be high quality. Having a rude or offensive customer service employee is just as bad as having no customer service employee. Now, I thought I'd test the Cadburys general enquiries number to see how the employee treats me.To test ultimately I am going to sound slightly cross and rude.

After ringing the number a women answered and she sounded very polite. I asked her very bluntly if I could have the address to the Cadburys headquarters and she answered very politely saying that she'd just receive it for me. She read it out to me while I was writing it down. I didn't say thank you and she still remained very polite. She asked if there was anything else she could help me with then I bluntly argued that the address she gave me was incorrect.To my surprise, after me being very rude, she still remained polite and friendly and after that I thought I'd just say thank you that's all.

The phone call ended with me feeling very happy with the service I received. From this I can see that the Cadburys customer service on the telephone is very impressive. Middlestoke Farmhouse Castleman's Lane Hayling Island Hampshire PO11 0PZ Consumer Relations Department Cadbury Trebor Bassett PO Box 12, Bournville Birmingham B30 2LU 01/02/05 Dear Sir/Madam.I am writing to you to suggest some changes that should be made to your customer services department. As you properly relise, your customer service is already very good but there are a couple of things I think would enhance Cadburys to point of absolute perfection. Firstly, you should advertise your website to the public more as an option to contact you.

To some people, it could be hard to find your telephone number other than your website. Secondly I believe you should have many customer service telephone operators across the UK rather in one or two places.If you did these two things I believe that your already very good customer services department would be enhanced to be excellent. If you had access to internet, would you want to painfully scroll through the yellow pages? I'll let you answer. I hope you will give my suggestions serious consideration and I look forward to seeing them in action.

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