Gabrielle OoyamaMarch 18, 2013 BI-189 Annotated Bibliography 1. Battaglia, M. , G. C. Hose, E. Turak, and B. Warden. et al. , 2005. Depauperate macroinvertebrates in a mine affected stream: Clean water may be the key to recovery. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 14]; 138: 132-141. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0269749105001661 This is a scientific journal that demonstrates how changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages are often linked to acid mine drainage (AMD).
It also demonstrates how the relative impact of water and sediment to toxicity is not certain with acid mine drainage. The effect on the macroinvertebrate assemblage confirmed that the concentrations of common metals in the surface water were more toxic when transplanted into “clean” water, than when sediment that was from a high metal concentration in a stream was transplanted. The conclusion of the study was that to remediate AMD sites, improving water quality should be focused on more than improving sediment quality. . Butler, B. A.. et al. , 2009. Effect of pH, ionic strength, dissolved organic carbon, time, and particle size on metals release from mine drainage impacted streambed sediments. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 16]; 43: 1392-1402. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S004313540800612X This is a scientific journal that describes how acid mine drainage (AMD) typically results in decreased pH, increased metal and salt concentrations, and biological productivity decreases.
With that being said, removal and/or treatment of the AMD should increase the pH, decrease the metal concentration and increase biological activity. Streambed sediments were collected from an AMD contaminated Creek and were assessed for effects of pH, ionic strength, DOC concentration, time and particle size on metals release using a factorial design. In summary, results suggest that the changes in water chemistry following the treatment of AMD would result in release of metals from the existing sediments with a more substantial effect on release of Cu and Fe, than of Cd, Mn and Zn. . He, M. , Z. Wang and H. Tang. et al. , 1997. Spatial and temporal patterns of acidity and heavy metals in predicting the potential for ecological impact on the Le An river polluted by acid mine drainage. [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 16]; 206: 67-77. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0048969797002179 This is a journal that describes an evaluation, using integration and comparison of metal contamination from acid mine drainage, to assess the potential for effects in the aquatic ecosystems of the Le An river.
Results showed a low pH, high TDS containing high Cu in river water and sediment in upstream region of Le An river due to pollution from the Dexing copper mine, and also high concentrations of Zn and Cu in surface water and sediments, high release potential and ready bioavailability of heavy metals were found downstream due to pollution form Jishui river. This study concludes that the pollution from acid mine drainage in the Le An river potentially effects an ecological impact on the aquatic ecosystem (mainly between A04 and A08). 4. Kalin, M. , W. N. Wheeler, M. M.
Olaveson. et al. , 2006. Response of phytoplankton to ecological engineering remediation of a Canadian Shield Lake affected by acid mine drainage. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 15]; 28: 296-310. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0925857406001911 This is a scientific journal that relates changes in water chemistry of two adjacent northern Ontario shield Lakes in Canada. One of the lakes is affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) and a remediation measures and the other one is much larger and is not affected by acid mine drainage.
Phytoplankton diversity and composition were analyzed in both of the lakes. Zn concentrations and pH levels were also monitored. Differences and changes of one-third of the taxa that were present in each lake had to do with pH levels alone. Most of the taxa were affected by time, pH and the metal axis. 5. Levings, C. D. , D. E. Varela, N. M. Mehlenbacker, K. L. Barry, G. E. Piercey, M. Guo and P. J. Harrison. et al. , 2005. Effect of an acid mine drainage effluent on phytoplankton biomass and primary production at Britannia Beach, Howe Sound, British Columbia.
Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 16]; 50: 1585-1594. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0025326X05002742 This is a scientific journal that describes how acid mine drainage from an abandoned copper mine at Britannia Beach effects the primary productivity and chlorophyll a levels in the receiving waters of Howe Sound before, during and after freshnet from the Squamish River. During April (pre-freshnet) and November (post-freshnet) copper negatively affected primary productivity due to regression and correlation analyses.
In July (freshnet), negative effects were not supported statistically, which could be due to additional effects such as turbidity from the Squamish River. The short study showed that copper concentrations from AMD discharge can affect both primary productivity and the primary producers of Howe Sound negatively. 6. Macedo-Sousa, J. A. , J. L. T. Pestana, A. Gerhardt, A. J. A. Nogueira and M. V. M. Soares. et al. , 2007. Behavioural and feeding responses of Echinogammarus meridionalis (Crustacea, Amphipoda) to acid mine drainage. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 16]; 67: 1663-1670.
Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0045653506017280 This is a scientific journal that describes the behavioral and feeding responses (as well as mortality) that acid mine drainage has on the Echinogammarus meridionalis. Original river water was used as control and three doses of treatments were given by adding increasing volumes of AMD to the control. The increase in AMD concentration (with consequential pH decrease and increase in concentration of most metals) was followed by an increase in mortality, decrease of locomotion and feeding activity and inhibition of the feeding rate.
In the two highest AMD concentrations mortality was observed. In the second treatment, significant decrease in average locomotion and feeding activity took place. 7. Park, Byeong-Yong, Jae-Kook Lee, Hee-Myong Ro and Young Ho Kim. et al. , 2011. Applied Soil Technology: Effects of heavy metal contamination from an abandoned mine on nematode community structure as an indicator of soil ecosystem health. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2012 October 11]; 51: 17-24. Available from: http://www. ciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0929139311001880 This is a scientific journal that describes how acid mine drainage increases the amounts of metals in the surrounding soil. This study demonstrates how the richness, diversity and abundance of nematodes is effected by the acid mine drainage, and thus hints that the ecosystem health decreases with the acid mine drainage. Differences in pH, metal concentrations (Cd, Pb, Zn, and Ni), electrical conductivity (EC), and available phosphorus (av. P? O? measurements between contaminated (CS) areas and non-contaminated (NC) areas were found to be significantly different. Organic matter content, nitrogen content, and soluble cations were found to not be significantly different between CS and NC. Lin, C. , Y. Wu, W. Lu, A. Chen, and Y. Liu. Et al. , 2007. Water chemistry and ecotoxicity of an acid mine drainage-affected stream in subtropical China during a major flood event. Science Direct [Internet]. [Cited 2013 March 14]; 142: 199-207. Available from: http://www. sciencedirect. om/science/article/pii/S0304389406009289 This is a scientific journal that demonstrates how chemistry and ecotoxicity of stream water is affected by acid mine drainage. The study occurred during a major flood in a tributary catchment of the Pearl River in subtropical China. Results of the study concluded that the stream was affected by acid mine drainage due to the flood. Fe, Zn and Al were the major metals studied, but Mn, Cu, As, Cd and Ni were looked at as well. The concentrations of the metals decreased as they tested down the stream.